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Here babe your sandwich said LELE.
Okay looking good said Paula.
I'ma put some coffee ☕ on said Paula.
Boz was walking out with the bottle.
Boz have some coffee with me cuz.
Yeah but i-i let me just feed Bella , said boz.
Umm hmm yeah okay , heyy you want me to make you a sandwich 🥪 ask Paula.
Nawww I'm good cuz , said boz.
Umm hmm okay said Paula.
What got into you ask Lele.
Nothing, it's a big fucking mystery going on  about some fucking pictures everybody seem to know about but me , and that's a fucking problem! Said Paula.
Oh wowww.  Okay baby look here, why don't you eat your sandwich and try to take it down for the night..........
I'm not tired, said Paula go to bed Lele. I'll be there .
Lele walks out , she bumps into boz.
You can not tell her boz , now is not the time and I know you know said Lele.
How long am I'm suppose to lie to my cousin said boz.
You don't know the whole story , please not now .
You got a week Lele either you tell her or I'm am said boz.
Fine then okay said Lele.
Why Lele, my cousin love the ground you walk on said boz.
Boz you don't understand and your cousin fuck half of my friends in are house said Lele.
Two wrongs don't make it right said boz and my cousin isn't right in the head. You know this said boz.
I will deal with this boz said Lele.
Okay deal with it said boz walking off .

I'ma have some coffee with Paula, here feed her for me said boz handing chilli the bottle.
Make sure you bring me back some coffee said chilli holding Bella.
Sure thing said boz.

Heyy cuz said boz walking into the kitchen.
Here ur coffee ☕ said Paula.
Nothing like good old fashioned coffee in the crack of dawn said Paula.
Your right about that said boz sipping her coffee.
So how you been dealing with all this shit that been going on with are crew said Paula.
I don't know, I mean Lisa stab up , Roz family shot up. Roz stab Lisa and here we are trying to find out who did this to roz family and why Roz stab my sister up like that said boz.
Well it's a lot too take in , but we been threw worst then this said Paula.
You think Lenin had something to do with Roz .
I don't know cuz , she a Smart sneaky little roach said Paula.
They both at war of the compound said boz.
Yeah I know, I definitely got too go back to Roz study and look at some paper work , I want you to come with me tomorrow to the compound cuz said Paula.
Sure no problem.
What was those pictures about boz .
Wh what umm i-i I wouldn't know said boz
Yeah you know something, you and your little friend in there.
No no ...
Lying to me now huh ask Paula.
It's not lying, it's protecting my family and yours cuz said boz.
What the fuck are you talking about said Paula very confused.
Lele easy dropping, chilli walks up on her.
Heyy what you doing said Chilli.
Shhh Im just listing said Lele.
Okay I'ma get me some coffee cause I need it said chili.
Chilli walks in the kitchen saving the day.
Boz what happen to my coffee ask chilli.
Oh my bad babe, I was just about to get it said boz smiling.
You know we got to do everything and get our own shit around here said Lele walking into the kitchen to get some coffee.
I told you to go to bed said Paula rolling her eyes.
Well I wasn't tried , you go too bed said Lele.
Alright said Paula looking at boz .
We'll finish this conversation later said Paula.
Be ready to leave around 11:30 am said Paula.
Ok got you said boz.
I'ma try to get some sleep and bring your ass Lele said Paula walking out.
Where you going with Paula ask chilli.
To the compound she wants to look at Roz paper work .
How is the girls and Alicia doing ask chilli.
The girls are good very good.
Alicia lost one eye but she gone to make it, she is still in a light Coma said boz.
I want to see her and the girls said chilli.
Okay tonight when I come back from the compound.
Ok said Chilli.
Are you making me breakfast ask boz.
No I am not said Chilli walking out the kitchen with her coffee.
Dam I'm hungry said boz.

Birdie go get me a tool so i can break in this shit she keep her papers in said Paula.
Boz what you got over there .
Nothing much bills and transaction and shit said boz looking through papers.
Okay for this chest right here, she keep the key in the dungeon where Tibs use to be said Paula.
Boz go get it , under the picture with the rock on it over Tibs bed hurry up baby girl said Paula.
Birdie hurry up with that tool said Paula.
Boz go in the dungeon and walk down the steep dusty stairs.
It was dark so she flick the light on.
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii she screams she seen a rotten run pass.
Dam! I don't know how Nay did it , Tibs was filthy said boz.
So boz go over to the bed stand on it taking the picture off the wall and the key and a dusty green mini book fall out.
Boz pick up the book.
Tape to the back was a black book same size.
Boz open the green book.
Boz notice it was a diary that Tibs must have keep about
her life.
She open the black book and seen important names , hit men numbers, the dutches who good friends with them , the ones that bought Nay from Roz.
Dutches stay over seas.
She seen numberuz for The Red Heads.
And all the purchases and Traction that Roz and Paula did. All the property they own.
Shit ! Said boz she but the books inside her jacket, and grab the key and left .

What took you so long ask Paula.
Nothing cuz , I got the key said boz.
Yeah you good ask Paula.
You was taking forever said birdie.
Shut up birdie.
Shut up birdie said boz.

Alright let's open this bad boy up see what we got here, said Paula.
You think it will be something in there that can help us find out what happen to Roz ask birdie.
We hoping said boz.
Umm hmmm said Paula.

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