Chapter 89: Vergil

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There are many rules to vampire society. Some Vin and I ignore. One we never thought we would use is the rule about bringing outsides inside. Turning someone into a vampire was allowed but under certain conditions. One, we had to get permission from the person we turned to. If they were unable to give it, then someone close to them could do it. Two, the person had to be close to death. Three, the creator had to take full responsibility for their creation. If the creation did anything, the creator would be held responsible. 

With all that in mind, I don't feel bad about doing this. Sure, it comes with a lot of unnecessary headaches, but it's worth it. I take Booker's arm and bite into it. His blood rushes into my mouth, and I drink. His blood is sweet yet has an underlying bitterness to it. It was still delicious. It took everything I had to pull myself away. I could feel his heartbeat slowing. I quickly bit into my arm and held it, so none of my blood spilled. "Open his mouth," I say to Emily.

She tilted his head back and opened his mouth. I held my arm over his mouth and let the blood pour in. It's been a while since I've seen my own blood. It was almost black. No, now is not the time to think about that. I need to focus. "Bring back this soul as one of us. Remake him. Birth him. Accept him. I as his creator, he as my creation. In the name of Lord Bemdalan Usmalos  Zalatoris, I command you to rise!"

Booker's body started to shake and convulse. "Hold him!" I shout. "His body is trying to reject it!" 

Booker started to lash out, which was to be expected. The beast is trying to take over. "Vin!"

"On it," Vincent said, taking hold of Booker's head. "Come on, brother. You can beat this."

Booker's eyes roared with purple light as his fangs grew in length. He kept thrashing against me until Vincent broke into his mind. This his body went limp. 

"Is he okay?" Emily asked.

Vincent sat back and sighed, "He'll be fine. That was the hard part. Next is the harder part. He'll need blood when he wakes up. A lot of it."

"He can have mine," Emily said.

"No, it can't be you. It needs to be someone else. Someone who doesn't mind possibly dying," I said.

"I'll do it," Adrian said. "I haven't known him for long, but we did have an interesting conversation back at Trinity. I don't mind. I've been alive for far too long anyway."

"Adrian," Emily said.

Adrian held his hand up. "Don't. It's my decision. Just promise me you'll find a way to stop Dirrus. And tell the new Terra Prime to go visit Terumos every once and a while."

"Who's the new Terra Prime?" Emily asked.

Adrian just smiled at her. "They'll find you." Then he turned to me. "What do I need to do?"

"May I?" I asked, holding out my hand. Adrian places his hand in mine, and I turn his palm face up. I take my dagger and slice a deep line across Adrian's palm. Blood starts to pour out of his wound and leak onto the floor. Suddenly, Booker's eyes burst wide open, and he grabs Adrian's hand so fast that I hear a snapping sound. Adrian winces in pain as Booker drinks. I can see him wanting to pull away, but he lets Booker continue to drink.  Adrian's heartbeat starts to slow as he begins to lose conciseness, but before Booker can finish, he throws Adrian's hand away and starts coughing. It takes him a moment, but he comes to his senses and looks at us. 

"What the hell just happened?" Booker asked, looking like a confused newborn. 

Emily threw her arms around him and cried, "I thought I lost you." She sobbed into his chest. Booker hesitantly put his arms around her.

"Em? Where did Dirrus go?" Booker asked.

"Gone," I say. "He let us go after...uh."

"After he killed you," Vincent said.

Booker looked at him and laughed. "Funny. I think I'd know if I was dead."

Damien rolled his eyes. "You were, idiot. Dirrus shot you with lightning, and you dropped like a sack of stupid potatoes. Also, congrats, you're a vampire now. So, there's that."

Booker scoffed. "Like I'd believe you."

"The blood on your mouth says I'm right," Damien said.

Booker touched his lips and looked at the blood on his fingers. He looked at me. "It's true, Booker. You were dying, and we had no other choice. You're my creation," I say. I open my mouth and touch my left fang. "Now you."

Booker hesitantly opened his mouth and did the same. Then he gasped when he felt his. "What the...! So, I really did die?"

Emily helped him to his feet. "Yeah," She choked out. "Vergil asked me if he could turn you. And I said yes."

"I-I don't know what to say," Booker said. His violet eyes glance down at Adrian's body. "What happened to him?"

Damien laughed. "You got hungry."

"I did that?" Booker asked, horrified.

"He volunteered," I clarified. "He said you both had an interesting conversation back at Trinity."

Booker looked at Adrian's body and slowly shook his head. "Why would he do that? We just talked about our childhoods. That's it. We were just talking."

"You must have left a big impression on him," Vincent said. "Hey, not to be that guy, but can we get out of here? I could really use a shower after fighting undead."

Booker turned around and looked at his father. "Dad!" He teleported over to his father without even thinking about it. "Dad?"

Emily hurried over and put her hands on Captain Leon's chest. Teal light covered his body as she started healing him. After a few seconds, she leaned back. "He'll be fine. Whatever spell Jessie used on him took a toll, but he'll live. He just needs time to recover."

Booker sighed in relief. "Thank the gods."

"So, how do we get back?" Emily asked.

"I just have to call Lady Silvia," I say as I touch my assassin mark and call to her with my mind. 

A few seconds later, a tear in the universe opens, and she looks at us. "You better have good news."

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