Chapter 66: Adrian

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I don't know how long it's been since I've left Terumos. As soon as I stepped out, my body trembled. The air was so much denser that it made my head spin. A surge of magic ran through me as I nearly fell over, only to be saved by Aiden. Using Aero magic to stop my fall. "Thanks," I say as he stands me back up. "It feels like I just resurfaced from the deeps of the ocean."

Aiden gives me a friendly smile. "Terumos does have cleaner air, thanks to you. Maybe you should visit the human realm and give them some tips."

I shot him an annoyed look. "I'd rather die. Even though my heart breaks as I can hear their Terra crying, I'm never going back there." The last time I visited the human realm, they had just figured out cars and other transportation. I was there for all of five minutes. 

Aiden led me through Lakeview's halls. Hundreds of young mages walked around going about their day. I smile at their potential but weep at their future. They didn't know they were in so much danger. I wonder how their families would feel hearing about how the Archmage really felt about their kids. How disposable they were to the real him. To Dirrus. He'll see them as playthings. Things he can twist and break until he gets bored. Which would never happen. I only got one good look at him and instantly felt ill. I remember the screams and nightmares. I remember people turning on each other in fits of rage and maddened laughter. If the Old Masters weren't there and hadn't sealed him, the world as we know it wouldn't exist. 

Aiden opened the door to his office and then paused. Aiden hardly ever was annoyed or angered for a good reason. He couldn't risk parts of Dirrus from surfacing. But the twitch of anger that I saw just now made my body tense. Three of the King's Mages were in his office looking around Aiden's things. They were led by Madras, the King's loyal dog. If professional ass-kissing were a talent, then he'd win first place. He noticed us entering and smiled. "Adrian? Is that really you?" His beady green eyes locked onto me as he had just seized an opportunity. "Welcome back."

I scoff and look away.

"Just as charming as ever. You look good for your age. I know a few people that would kill for your powers. Being a Prime has its advantages, doesn't it?" Madras grinned.

"I didn't know you would be here, Madras. I would've made sure I was somewhere else," Aiden grinned. He was desperately trying to stay calm. His history with the King and his court has been a little...rough. 

"Running from your problems again, Aiden? You become more and more disappointing as the days go on. Which is why I'm here," Madras took one of Aiden's orbs he keeps on his desk and examines it as he spoke. "His Majesty wants all the Primes and yourself brought to him at once.  You clearly can't handle the situation, and it's best if they were under proper supervision."

I could see Aiden's white aura trying to come out as the faintest glow started to outline his body. No one else could feel it, but Aiden's growing anger was causing the earth under him to react. Tiny trimers vibrated from him. "Don't I get a say in this?" I ask, trying to divert the tension. If this idiot only understood what he was doing. He'd be running out of here with his tail between his legs. 

"Of course you do, Mr. Maleilius. You all do. You could come with us and ruin the Blood Prime's plans, or you could wait here for him to come to get you, and we just can't allow that. So, either come with us now, or we'll have to do something more drastic. For the sake of the realm and its people. Would you really put the lives of your students in danger like that?" Madras asked, then laughed. "Of course, you would, Aiden. You are half-monster, so it makes sense. You don't have a choice in this. You will come with us." The three other mages stopped what they were doing and turned their attention to us. "Don't make this harder than it has to be."

A sinister snicker escaped Aiden's lips as they stepped closer. When they heard it, they all hesitated. He wasn't trying to hide it anymore. Aiden's aura burst forward and radiated off of him like he was the sun. "I'll say this once. Get out of my academy, or else you won't see tomorrow. I'm trying hard to keep my anger from bursting out. It hurts. I will not be ordered around in my own damn school!"

Aiden's eyes were pure white as he spoke. He reminded me of an angel. A furious angel. 

"You do realize threatening a court member is an offense in itself?" Madras asked. "I'm no mage, but I don't think even you could take three highly trained court mages. They've been infused with the Old Master's magic."

"And you think that'd make a difference?" Aiden asked. "Ten seconds."

"Hold on, doesn't his majesty give royal decrees in written form? Last time I checked, you couldn't take us without that. So, where is it?" The look on Madras's face was confirmation that he either didn't have it or this wasn't what the King had in mind. "I could always just ask him. I'm sure if a Prime wanted to have an audience with him, he wouldn't decline."

The court mages looked at him with uncertainty. Aiden saw it too and started to calm down. "You do have that, don't you?" Aiden asked.

"O-Of course, I have that!" Madras blurted out as he pulled a piece of paper from his jacket pocket. He walked over and handed it to me.

I looked over the contents and laughed. "I don't see threatening and kidnapping on here. Certainly no "entering private quarters without permission." Hmm, this doesn't look good, Madras. Not. At. All." I handed it over to Aiden. "Do you see it?"

Aiden took the paper and shook his head. "No, I don't. Kind of seems like breaking and entering to me."

The anger on Madras's face was priceless. I had to fight to stop myself from laughing in his face. 

Madras stepped over and was in Aiden's unimpressed face. "This. Isn't. Over. I will see you and that other half in chains. I promise you I'll keep this realm safe from your evil." Madras turned around to the others. "We're leaving." A triumphant smile spread across Aiden's face as they walked out of his office. Aiden walked over to his desk and let out a huge sigh. "That was too close."

I walked over and took a seat in front of him. "No kidding. You were two seconds away from painting this office red. You didn't tell me it was this bad."

"I didn't think it was. Just seeing Madras's stupid face made me angry. I hate when people go through my things. They could've blown Lakeview into the sky if they touched the wrong thing."

"Why do you have so many dangerous things in here?" I ask, looking around the office. So many powerful relics lined his walls.

"Better with me than someone else," Aiden said. "I don't need them, but I feel better knowing they're here and not with a monster." He shook his head. "We need to gather the others as soon as possible. Madras has to know where Booker and Emily are. We need to go to Trinity."

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