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It's been a while since I laid eyes on Geisuphis. All the light had faded, and a barren wasteland was all that was left. In a way, I like it. True nothingness. Just imagining being stuck in a place like this fills me with happiness. I couldn't help but wonder how long it would take for someone to lose their mind? I'll have to test that thought. 

"But first things first," I say as I place my hand on the ground, and a dark green mist flows from my palm, and it seeps into the ground and causes it to shake. "Alraxes, time to wake up."

A skeletal hand shoots up from the ground. Then another. It pulls its body out, and meat and flesh start to form around the bones. The body begins to screech in pain as it reconstitutes itself. Before long, Alraxes looks around confused, then locks eyes with me. A combination of both female and male voices come out of their mouth. "Master Dirrus?"

 A warm smile spread across my face. "Welcome back. Sorry, I took so long."

Alraxes shook their head furiously. "No, Master Dirrus, I'm the one who failed you. Those pathetic worms killed me. I knew something was wrong when you didn't return, and then we saw them with your power." I could see their eyes turning yellow with rage. "I'm a disgrace! Utter filth! I don't deserve to be your general."

"You're too hard on yourself. Don't forget I lost too. It was a learning experience for all of us. I've learned a lot and taken the necessary precautions. I know what I need to do to make my dream a reality." I place a hand on their shoulder. "I need you. How long do you think you'll need to regain your strength?"

Alraxes rose to their feet and smiled. "You're too kind to me, Master Dirrus. It'll take a while before my demonic powers return in full. I'd guess five full rotations. I cannot command my armies without it. I also need some souls."

"Anything you need will be provided. Do you know where the others were defeated?"

"Sadly, no. Oras and Xaroth were tasked with the human realm. I don't know where they were killed. We may need to replace them."

Oras and Xaroth weren't my favorite. I can call their souls back, but they will need new bodies. "That's fine. While you're gathering your strength, I want you to find them some suitable hosts. Do you still have your rune?"

They held out their arm and his rune started to glow in response. "Still here."

The Rune of Command. I gave it to them when I decided to make them one of my generals. It allows them to control anything with the slightest bit of rage in them. With Alraxes being a demon, it was only fitting he tested his powers on their fellow demons. "Correct me if I'm speaking out of place, but I felt another who has your power out there."

"Oh, yes. One of the Old Masters' descendants still holds some of my power. I gave it to her as a gift. I embedded one of my marks on her. It should make things interesting for her and those around her. I'll keep an eye on that pet project. Nevertheless, we need to get to work. My power has been enhanced, but I still want to do some sightseeing. I want to see how the realms have changed."

"What about the current King? What if they try to seal you again?"

I let out a sinister laugh. "I've taken care of that. Besides, no one knows the Sealing Rite anymore. It's not like they kept a record of it. Everyone thought I was gone. No one can stop me now. They can build their strength and form their armies, but it doesn't matter. I will bring them the gift of madness. Every single realm shall be consumed by it. Chaos will be the new norm. I will perfect my virus and spread it when the time is right. After all, the mere thought of me is making them squirm. This will be so much fun." 

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