- Mammon (?)-

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going crazy by the second


M/N and Mammon had always been great friends. Ever since the exchange program, you've become quite close to the avatar of greed. He eventually started developing a small crush on you, falling harder each time the duo hung out together.

M/N on the other hand, was mentally and physically exhausted every day, but it was not because of Mammon himself.
You started feeling homesick about a few weeks ago. You missed friends,family, mostly everyone you knew.

The happy memories , sad ones , tiring ones , short ones, all of them started coming back to you and you have cried silently and quietly every day , missing everyone. Everything.

The brothers had no idea that the human was going through such a hard time, not even Mammon. M/N always had a habit of putting up a good front, even though it had hurt so much.

It was the usual schedule at RAD. Everybody doing their studies, talking, playing, everything. M/N as usual is sitting next to two of the brothers, Levi and Asmo. They always were having some kind of argument,either if it's who M/N likes more or who has the better style.  M/N at this point was used to their bickering and instead was studying. He had one of the best grades that even satisfied Lucifer to the point of praise.

" M/N! Can ya have lunch with me? "

You looked up to see who was talking and to no surprise, it was Mammon.

" Yeah sure, just let me finish this problem real quick! "

" Whaddya mean? We're goin out now! "

He jogged to your side and pulled you out of your seat.You were taken aback but nonetheless complied to his tactics in trying to get you to eat lunch with him.

Mammon was a bit red the whole way considering he was holding his crushes hand but went to the rooftop of the school. You were fast enough to get your lunch before he practically dragged you all the way there.
He sat down, happy to have this as a usual routine.     M/N was going to as well, before having a girl coming up to him.

" Hey you're M/N right? I want to talk to you about something really quick if that doesn't bother you? "

" No it's alright. Hey Mammon? I'll be back in a little bit."

Something about this little interaction broke Mammon's heart. He noticed that the girl was blushing, or that she was just hot from the weather. He knew exactly what was going to happen and he did not like it.  At all.


" Hey so what did you need? "

Y/N couldn't but study her. He didn't know her, so why was she going up to him all of a sudden?

"Date me."

"Huh? Are you alright?"

" Listen, I just need you to date me okay?Or else that little soul you humans are so proud about will be gone."

" I'll have you know that I want to live just to see my family. Can't you find something else to do? I don't have the time and energy to be around a nasty fucking brat like you."

"You know you will regret this right?"

" I'll take my own soul before you can yourself, bitch "

Y/N stormed back off to where Mammon was, seeing him a bit troubled.

*Am I assuming things too fast? She was blushing but that can be from the sun.But at the same time..*

" Hey Mammon,are you alright? "

He snapped out of his thoughts the second he heard  M/N's voice.

" Eh? I'm always alright! I am the Great Mammon after all!"

He started laughing and saying how he wouldn't be alright, while you listened and ate at the same time. You were thinking about what you had said in the conversation with the girl from earlier.
You thought of something,a plan.You decided to go with the plan when it was just the right time.


You started writing out a letter, mostly for the brothers. Y/N started smiling to himself,and wondered if doing the plan he thought of would calm his problems down a little.
You started setting everything up. You had started recording on your D.D.D and said everyone on the letter,having a big smile the whole time. You mentioned your family just talking about how this will resolve his problems. When you thought everything was just right,you got ready with the plan.

The brothers had just came back from a meeting with Diavolo. Everyone had a little present for the human,but none of them really had the courage to do it by themselves. Beel decided to go first and went to Y/N's room to knock.When you didn't answer,he knocked again but harder.He went down to Lucifer's room said that you weren't answering his door,and considering you are a light sleeper,you would've woken up by now.

He immediately knew something was wrong and went up to your room. Asmo and the others were there already also wondering why the human wouldn't answer any of them since they really wanted to give them his gifts they got on the way back.

Lucifer had a spare key since he always makes sure the human wasn't doing anything suspicious.When he opened the door and swung it open,none of them could believe their eyes.

Especially Mammon.

Y/N was there, absolutely butt booty naked..

( nah im jk )

Y/N was there hanging from the ceiling from a single rope. Some dropped on their knees, absolutely devastated,some were in so much shock they couldn't move.

-Hey everyone-

A video had started playing.Some tried to quiet down to listen,some couldn't calm down and cried even more.

-If you are hearing this than I must gone already.I just wanted to say thank you-

Some brothers rushed over to get a lifeless Y/N down,some still cried

-You brought absolute joy to me,and I tried my best to keep up with you-

- But I missed my family dearly,and I know this might be a shock to you..-

Mammon was crying hard on Y/N's shoulder, everyone else denying the sight in front of them and thought of this as a well thought out prank.

- I have liked Mammon for some time,and I just wanted to tell him before I officially leave this world.-

- Each one of  you had something that reminded me to live on,but it became overwhelming as time passed on...-

Lucifer was dialling the ambulance and contacting everyone on what had happened. He couldn't focus and started crying hard as well , but more silently than the others.

- I just want to say ..-

Ambulance sirens, everyone crying , were mostly what the last things Y/N faintly heard before giving up and leaving.

- I'm sorry -


been a while since I knew how to write angst


Word Count; 1154

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