Chapter 3: The Old Drawing

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Paul walked into a giant office upstairs where the music wasn't as loud. The man put the office keys on his desk before walking over to Paul: The Vigilante.

"I don't believe we've met" the man said as he looked towards Paul while pouring himself a glass of water. "I'm Daniel. Daniel Drai. I own this club and it's practically my life, so I would appreciate if you wouldn't send my guards crashing into tables and into my patrons."

Paul rubbed his nose before walking up to Daniel as he thought the Vigilante was about to 'intimidate' him or 'rough him up'. Daniel stood up straight to him before Paul asked...

"Can i have some water too?"

Daniel scoffed and smiled. "Yeah sure but don't come up to me like that heh, thought you were about choke me you know?" Daniel poured Paul some water in a plastic cup, even though he had his own water in a glass.

Paul raised an eyebrow and looked back at Daniel. "Why's mine in a cup?"

Daniel walked over and sat down on a sofa. "One, i don't trust you with my glasses. Two, So you don't smash one against the goods."

Paul did not sit down, still standing beside a table where his plastic cup was. He looked around slowly at the office, which looked blank and full of junk. "The Goods?" Paul looked back at him

"Well, you're looking at 'em, baby." Daniel smirked and laughed briefly. "C'mon! Sit down Vig."

"Vig?" Paul questioned

Daniel shrugged. "Yeah? You're the Vig right?"

"You mean the Vigilante?"

Dan had a look of confusion on his face. "Yeah- Whatever, Sit down dude, I'm not gonna bite ya"

Paul slowly walked over and sat down on the sofa opposite to Daniel. He looked to his wrist as if there were a watch there, making a joke about how slow The Vigilante was.

Daniel sat up straight and put his glass on the table in between them. "Alright, so why don't you tell me exactly why you body slammed one of my guards over a railing, hm?"

Paul didn't drink his water as he just held it in his hands. It wasn't even cold either. "He charged me."

"Oh is that so? He just done it for no reason?"

"I'm guessing he saw the 'Vig' and thought i was hostile.. So he speared me over and onto your bar"

Dan smirked and held a finger up. "Thought?.. They thought you were hostile?...So you weren't here to hurt anyone. Jeez what the hell were you even doing??"

"Two of your patrons were engaging in suspected illegal activity, so i came here to investigate"

Daniel scoffed and shook his head as he ran his hand through his black hair. "Tell me you're a dick without telling me you're a dick. Have you been here before? Everyone does drugs here, amigo."

Without letting a second pass, The Vigilante spoke up. "I guess I'll have to shut down your whole club then."

Daniel chuckled lightly for a second before they both made direct eye contact. Paul quickly got up as Daniel would get up and rush over, standing in front of the Vigilante. "Ey, Ey, Ey, Ay! Just watch it Vig!"

Paul raised an eyebrow and smirked a little. "Oh yeah? Or what?" Paul quickly walked towards Dan as he didn't expect it. Dan stumbled back and hit something as an entire sheet that was hung over some sort of decoration on the wall fell down, revealing a HUGE plan. It had dates, times, people, how many people, which people..

Paul looked at the board quickly before looking at Daniel as he got up and stared back at the Vigilante. Paul glared at the board still. It was a bunch of info on a train. At first glance it looked to be a plan to pull off a score on a somewhat important train. "What is this?" Paul looked back to Daniel "What is this Daniel!?"

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