Chapter 8: The Round Up

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"You're screwed! Aha!. The Vigilante is on his way here and he is gonna kick all of your asses!" Chloe shouted out as she was tied up to a chair. She had been captured by Xolo's gang as they were now all in a warehouse near to the Mojave Central Station.

"Just take a breather and shut the fuck up already" A gang member said as they pointed a knife towards Chloe, she gritted her teeth before spitting at the member, he instantly raised his knife with rage. "You little fucking!-" The member was cut off as all of the other members got up and looked towards the office door. 

"Hey!, sit down pendejo!. leave our guest alone" Xolo said in cool fashion as he walked out of the office and over towards Chloe at a slow pace. "Who is this Vigilante you speak of?" He asked Chloe. 

"Oho, he's only just the protector of the Mojave. He'd scare the shit out of your little gang here." Chloe said while watching Xolo walk towards her. He laughed and said "Oh really? well i'm afraid the Council of Vegas.." He stopped mid-sentence to think of something. "What's his name again?..Oh!, We'll have to see if mister Elias Edson has any spare budget for a funeral."

"What are you talking about?" Chloe questioned as the hairs on her neck stood up, fear started to settle in. Xolo smirked and looked down at Chloe before his mask of sanity and charisma dropped. "I killed the Vigilante and left his soulless body there for the critters to eat away. That way he will actually have done something for the Mojave.""

Chloe began to shake her head. "No." She was in denial 

"Yes" Xolo said whilst stilling down at her

"No!" Chloe wouldn't believe it

"Yes!" Xolo insisted as he raised his voice.

Meanwhile Joshua,Paul and the family were outside.

"Joshua, you stay out with these two. I'll head inside."

"You sure?, last time you went alone you got your ass kicked and thrown off a train." Joshua was sorta making fun of him.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. Anyways i have a trick up my sleeve." Paul smirked as he put his headgear on.

Meanwhile, Xolo would interrogate Chloe but wouldn't harm her or use physical violence as that wasn't his style. "Rotting, that's right he's slowly rotting out there with no help. You tell me what he told you and i'll let you go"

"Rotting?" Paul said out of nowhere as he stood on a stairway in the warehouse which would lead up to the second floor. Xolo slowly looked back at Paul as if he had just seen a ghost, Chloe got a spark in her eyes as she saw Paul, she thought she would never see him again.

Xolo pulled out a pistol and pointed it right at Chloe. "I wouldn't take another step if i were you.." He warned as Paul would say. "Me? or him?" Suddenly the warehouse doors burst open as the Deathclaw was waiting for Paul's signal. It charged into the warehouse as bullets would begin to fly everywhere. Paul ran over as Xolo hid in cover. Paul began to untie Chloe.

"Pretty good timing!" Chloe exclaimed 

"It's not about timing, i tamed him" Paul said casually.

"You TAMED A DEATHCLAW???" Chloe said as she and Paul would run to cover.

The Deathclaw ran through the gang members as he began to rip some of them apart. Xolo was composed as he began to look around for any nearby weapons. The deathclaw grabbed one guard and brutally ripped off his head like he was some old toy. The beast growled and looked for more as Xolo would silently climb on one of the old train carriages. He then jumped while holding a bunch of chains as he landed on the deathclaw's shoulders, he wrapped the chains around the beasts throat and began to choke him with his brute strength. The beast scrambled around and hit into objects as he tried to fight Xolo off but he was struggling. Xolo kept strangling it as the beast would soon die from not being able to breathe. Xolo was out of breath, he barely had time to recover but he had no time. He got up and ran out of the warehouse with all of the energy he had left.

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