Introduction and Ask #1

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Hi! I'm doing an Ask or Dare for 100 followers, thank you all for helping me reach that! If you want to dare a member of the Jade Winglet, comment below. First come first served. This first one I'll be writing. Enjoy!

Oh also there may be minor swear words, but nothing too bad. So trigger warning if you don't like swear words.

Kinkajou: 🎵  I HAVE AN IDEAAAAAAAA! 🎵 

Winter: *tries to leave the room*

Qibli: *grabs his tail* Oh no you don't little buddy! You're staying here with US! *Qibli pulls Winter towards him and wraps a wing around him*


Winter: *blushing slightly in anger* Just get on with it already! What's your stupid idea?!?


Moon: *groans*

Kinkajou: it's called Ask or Dare! Basically, we ask someone something, and they have to answer T R U T H F U L L Y ! Or we give someone a dare and they HAVE to do it! As long as it's PG-13.

Peril: (under her breath) Damnit! 

Kinkajou: *waggles a claw at Peril* Now now, let's try to keep it in.

Winter: *wriggles out of Qibli's wing* Can we just start already?

Kinkajou: Of course! *she pulls out a large scroll* Now my buddy Turtle enchanted this for me. Whenever someone requests a question or dare, it'll show up here!

Moon: Fascinating! Do you think we'll get any requests?

Kinkajou: I sure hope so! Anyways, ask #1 is for...Winter!

*all applaud*

Winter: *groans* Oh, of course it is. What is it?

Kinkajou: This one's from Holly! She asks: who do you like better, Lynx or Moon? And remember, the whole world's watching! Choose your answer carefully!

Winter: *deep inhale*


Kinkajou: so? Your response?

Winter: okay. I guess I—Lynx, I've known for longer, but Moon is—

Winter and Moon: *blush a little*

Winter: ACK! Um, Lynx, I guess.

Kinkajou: *rings a buzzer* I'm sorry but that is incorrect. Winterwatcher for life! 

Winter and Qibli: WHAT?

Winter: How can we get a personal question wrong?!?

Kinkajou: Just joking! I ship it. Lynxter forever!

Winter: *slumps to the ground and groans, clutching his head* Why?

Qibli: *takes the opportunity to put his wing around Winter again* *smiles cheerfully*

Kinkajou: Thank you for watching this round of Ask or Dare: Jade Winglet edition! See you next episode!

A/N: lol umber and Turtle were silent the whole time

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