Ask #2

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Kinkajou: Ho there! Welcome to episode 2! I'd like to take a quick second to advertise for my new favorite ship, Qinter—

Winter: *growls* We don't have time. Just start the goddamn show already!

Kinkajou:  Well well, someone's eager to begin! That's great new, I'm glad this is growing on you Winter.

Winter: I'm eager for this to END!

Kinkajou: *brings out scroll* We have a new submitted "ask"! This one's from @Queen-friend_Lynx ! The question is for all of us. We have to say our crushes!

*everyone but Kinkajou groans*

Kinkajou: Oh come on it's not that bad! I'll go— *she turns pink around the ruff* I... I like Turtle.

*Turtle dies inside with embarrassment*

Turtle: I'll go next. I like you too, Kinkajou. And I used to like this SeaWing named Torrent... *kinkajou scowled a little* But, not anymore!

Kinkajou: Umber, how about you go? Then Moon then Peril then Qibli and Winter.

Umber: Umm. I—(gulps) I liked Qibli. And, er... at some point, I liked Winter. But, notice how I am using PAST TENSE and I don't like either anymore.

Moon: Wow. To be honest, I kinda ship it. I um—I also liked both Qibli and Winter, but I'm not really sure I want to be romantically involved with anyone right now.

Peril: *snickers* Loooooooser. Well, I just asked out Clay three days ago. *her claws burst into flames and she tries not to grin*

Qibli: Well, I—

Winter: He's a Moonwatcher simp.

Qibli: *smacks Winter* Goddamnit! You took my line!

Moon: ....

Winter: *clears his throat* I... IN THE PAST, have also liked Moon. Buuut, now I'm either considering being aromantic, or asking out Lynx.


Winter: I. HATE. THIS. GAME.

Kinkajou: *hits music button* *claps talons together* A successful episode! Join us next time, and remember to submit those questions and dares!

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