Dare #1

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Kinkajou: Today's an important day, folks! We have our first dare!!!

Qibli: YES! Who's it for? Is it for me? I want a dare.

Kinkajou: That's the spirit. But, sorry, friend, this one is for Winter!

Winter: *slams his head into the wall* Why the hell are all of these for ME???

Kinkajou: (very cheerfully) No clue! This dare is from @cosmicdragon2 . Thank you for the request! The dare is: get black stipe tattoos all over your body, then ask Lynx out in front of everyone.

Turtle: ...wow, I'm sorry, Winter.


Turtle: No, I mean, I'm sorry, because Kinkajou's making me tattoo you.

Winter: *jaw drops* YOU--WH--WHY--BUT YOU--

Turtle: *he pulls out a sharp quill* It's enchanted to temporarily tattoo you. It'll come off in three days. But don't worry, it doesn't hurt like a normal tattoo.

Winter: *growls under his breath* *thrusts out an arm* Just do it quickly. 

*Turtle lowers the pen to Winter's arm. Winter hisses out of annoyance while the stripes are tattooed on, but it doesn't hurt at all.*

-----five minutes later-----

Moon: Wow Winter, loving the new look!

Qibli: Yeah, it looks cool. Get it? Cool? Because you're an IceWing? *he grins at his joke*

Winter: *through gritted teeth* Yeah. I get it. 

Kinkajou: And now... we bring in Lynx! I negotiated with her before this episode, so she's in the entrance hall right now. Umber, will you please go fetch her?

Umber: Alright, sure.

*Umber gets up and leaves the cave. He returns a few minutes later, leading a confused-looking Lynx.*

*Everyone but Winter exchanges exciting looks. Winter himself digs his claws into the ground and clenches his jaw angrily.*

Lynx: Hey guys! Hi Winter. Cool tattoos. Why am I here? What did you want me for?

Kinkajou: Sit down, sit down. I'm sorry about this, but Winter has a dare that involves you.

Lynx: Oooh, fun! Can I join?

Kinkajou: Absolutely! Go on now, Winter.

Winter: *shoots death glares at all of them* I'm sorry Lynx, but this is a dare. Will--

*Qibli snickers*

Winter: SHUT THE F**K UP QIBLI. *deep breath* Lynx, will you go out with me?

Lynx: Sure!

Qibli: HELL YEA! I GOT THE VIDEO! *stops recording*A/N: Hey, just pretend they have phones.

*Winter buries his head in his claws and curses under his breath*

*Qibli posts the video on Instagram*

*Video gets 23 likes*

*All applaud*

Kinkajou: Ship name: Hmmm... Lynxter? 

Peril: *tsk tsk* try as you might, you'll never find a better ship name than Cleril!

Winter: (very sternly) Wow, that's sad. Shipping yourself with your crush? What a simp.

Peril: *blushes angrily* You'll regret saying that!

*peril jumps to her feet and lunges at Winter. Winter whirls around and dives out the open window.*

Kinkajou: WINTER! COME BACK! Peril, you scared him away! Oh well. Thanks for reading. And remember, Qibli wants a dare! Anyone can submit a comment. Bye now!

Ask or Dare with the Jade WingletWhere stories live. Discover now