Dare #3

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Kinkajou: What's up, party people?!? Today we're gonna be taking another dare from @cosmicdragon2 ! And this one's for--drumroll, please... 

Kinkajou: QIBLI!

*all cheer*

Winter: FINALLY! One that's NOT for me! 

Kinkajou: Oh, right. I forgot to mention that you're involved, too.

*all cheer again*

Winter: You're joking.

Kinkajou: I'm not! The dare is: you and Qibli swap memories to see who had the worst childhood. And we'll all be voting to agree on who. *turns to Turtle* Look, I know this is asking a lot, but--

Turtle: *sigh* You want me to swap their memories for them. I'll do it. I swear I'm going to go evil on this show...

Kinkajou: Great. Thanks, Turtle! Make sure that we can all watch the memories, not just Qibli and Winter.

Turtle: *nods* *holds out his talons and closes his eyes*

A small IceWing dragonet sat in the middle of a cold stone cave. A slightly older one, perhaps two years older, stood over him protectively. "Why can't we go out?" squeaked the little dragonet. 

"It's a whiteout, Winter," explained the older one stonily. "If we left the cave, we wouldn't be able to see anything. So we have to stay put until it's clear."

Winter nodded slowly. "But, Hailstorm... isn't Lynx still out there? And Snowfall, and Crystal, and Icicle, and Blizzard?"

Hailstorm's face hardened even more. "Yes." He set his jaw grimly. Winter gasped. 

"Will they survive?" he cried.

"Of course. Crystal will know what to do. Remember, she's going to fight in the war. She has lots of extra training."

Winter sat back and rubbed his talons together nervously. 

They stayed like that for a long time. The sound of the roaring wind and driving snow pounded on the cave walls. Finally, after a long, long time, a group of four dragons stumbled into the cave.

Hailstorm and Winter leaped to their feet and hurried over. Crystal, Snowfall, Lynx, and Icicle were all covered with snow and looking desperately tired. Worst of all, they were dragging a limp white form in between them.

Snowfall looked up, her face as grim as Hailstorm's. "Blizzard's dead."

Three young SandWings were standing in pristine formation. In front of them was a set of shiny black doors. Guards stood on either side, with dark cloaks and spears. A female SandWing was walking up and down in front of the dragonets.

"I need you to be very careful around Grandfather," she hissed. She stopped in front of the last dragonet in line, the smallest. She brushed off the sand from his shoulders and roughly tilted his chin up. 

"Especially you, Qibli. Grandfather was disappointed how short you lasted last time with the snakes."

"Yes, Mother." Qibli dug his claws into the wooden floor but didn't say anything else. His scar looked fresher, his eyes sharper, and his usual grin was gone. All of them looked nervous.

"Don't call me mother!" she snapped. "My name is Cobra. Now get into formation." Cobra sat down in front of her dragonets and coiled her venomous tail neatly around her talons.

Barely a few seconds later, the black doors opened. A terrifying SandWing stepped out, although he looked a bit like a hybrid with all his black accessories. He smiled cruelly and strode towards Cobra. 

She dipped her head politely. "Hello, Father," she greeted. 

"Hm," responded the SandWing. He turned his glittering eyes towards Qibli. "I think we'll be fighting today." Qibli's Grandfather straightened his neck and spread his wings. "You two against Qibli--go."

Qibli's siblings wasted no time. The female one whipped her tail around and jabbed it at him. He just managed to duck and roll under his brother's claws. "Rattlesnake! Sirocco! Grandfather, please--"

The memories fade away, and the Jade Winglet is standing in a cave again.

Umber: Oh man. That was... intense. 

Kinkajou: *grins with delight* And nowwww... it's time for VOTING! Everyone except for Qibli and Winter, close your eyes.

*everyone shuts their eyes behind their wings.*

Kinkajou: Raise a talon if you think Winter had the worst memories.

*Kinkajou, Lynx, and Umber raise their talons. Kinkajou counts the votes and Winter holds up three claws.*

Kinkajou: Raise a talon if you think Qibli had the worst memories.

*Peril, Moon and Turtle raise their talons.* 

Kinkajou: Wow. Open your eyes, everybody... it was a tie.

Qibli: *grins evilly* CAN WE DO A TIEBREAKER PLSSSSS

Kinkajou: Sure. Okay, whoever can guess what ship I'm thinking of wins. You have three hints.

Winter: Can we use our first one?

Kinkajou: Here it is: "This ship is most popular among Wings of Fire fans".

Qibli: *muttering all possible ships under his breath* Cleril, Ripnami, Glorybringer, Starspeaker, Blicket, Sunllow, Lunatail, Turtlejou, Moonbli, of course--

Winter: Shut up, I'm trying to think!

Kinkajou: Do you want your second hint?

Qibli: Yes, please.

Kinkajou: This is a gay ship, specifically male x male.

Winter: ...Is it Umbli?


Winter: *growls* Third hint?

Kinkajou: This ship consists of a SandWing and an IceWing.

Winter: *groans* Oh no. I've heard of this one. It's Qinter, isn't it?

Kinkajou: DING DING DING! Congratulations, Winter! You have won this round. Wow, that was eventful! Stay tuned for another episode.

Winter: *blushing angrily* I HATE THIS SHOW.

Hi, Holly here. Sorry for the late publication, I had writer's block. I hope you enjoyed it!

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