Chapter 1|Broadcast

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It was the start of a very normal day for Tommy wake up, have shower, get dressed, fight with brothers, watch brothers fight, watch dad try to calm down brothers, watch mum get scary, eat breakfast, clean teeth, rush around the house trying to find my left shoe, get in the car and drive to school. (me: So let's start from there shall we).

Tommy pov:

"AYYY TUBBO"I shouted as soon as I saw Tubbo

I said my goodbyes to my family and ran over to my best friend. Tubbo told me all about his new information on bees and nukes but thankfully my other best friend came over.

"Hey Tubbo, hey Tommy" greeted Ranboo

"Hey Ranboo" said Tubbo

"Hey Ranboob" I said with a smirk. I know that name
annoys him but me and Tubbo find it funny. As soon as we we're about to keep chatting the bell rang. We all walked to to our lesson this was gonna be a long day but at least we all have our lessons together.

~Time skip 3rd period~

"Ugh I hate mrs parks lesson there always boring" I whisper to Tubbo. Mrs Parks was our English teacher it was the second most boring lesson the first would be Mr mason he is our history teacher and no one likes him. The only good part of mrs parks lesson is that me and Tubbo are sat next to each other.

There is only 15 minutes left of class then lunch, finally. But then the whiteboard switched to an emergency broadcast what is going on?

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