Announcement (not a chapter)

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Hi guys I know i haven't updated my book recently but a lot has been going on. I only come with I guess it's bad news. I will not be updating this for a while (12-15 days) as I am going on a trip.
I will be taking my phone but I don't know if there will be Wi-Fi as i think it's in the middle of nowhere. If there is Wi-Fi then probably expect an update if not then you will have to wait a while sorry.
If there is Wi-Fi do not expect an update on the 7th, maybe 8th, 15th, 14th and the 16th as it is a 24+ hour trip. I will have data but it is limited so if there is not Wi-Fi but I want to post a chapter I can but it is highly unlikely.
Again I am sorry but it is what it is and I can't change that.

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