Chapter 6| The plan

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~when Tommy got home~ Tommy pov~

When I got home I ran to my room didn't want to face my family nor did I have time as I had to come up with a plan to see Purpled or even get him out.
I spent 3 hours doing research about death row and found out that if you are close to the criminal you can visit as much as you want but depending on your situation the longest you can visit is 4 hours. So now I had a plan I would get dropped off and wait for dad to drive away and then I will use my lunch money to by a buss ticket to the prison and then I will go visit him as his little brother who's mom was so disappointed that she dropped him off and went to work.
So all I needed to do now was put the plan in action but that's for tomorrow. Planning all of this made me tired so I went to sleep.

~Phil pov~

I saw Kristen making food so I said

"Hey love that smells so good what's for dinner"

"We're having pasta and it's nearly done so can you get
one of the boys to get Tommy he has been quite quiet since he got home"

" how weird he is never quiet maybe he isn't feeling well. WILL CAN YOU GET TOMMY DINNERS NEARLY READY"

"FINE" willbur said running upstairs

~Wilbur pov~

I ran upstairs to Tommy's room he had been awfully quiet
since he got home today I don't think I am the only one who noticed techno had gone to Tommy's room before but was told that he was busy and couldn't hang out. That had hurt techno a bit but he got better when I said I would hang out with him.
I knocked on Tommy's door but I heard nothing so I opened the door to see him asleep. I went downstairs and told dad and he said to leave him to sleep so we had food and then went to bed.

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