Chapter 12|Our last meal

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It turns out it's very hard. The teachers didn't stop asking questions like what is your relationship with Tomathy or do you know him Tom luckily after 10 minutes of persuasion they finally let us go.

Finally we arrived at the prison and just in time to Purpled's last meal starts in 5 minutes. I sit in the dining room wait for purpled the food was nearly ready. After another painful 5 minutes Purpled finally walked accompanied by sapnap of course just in time to the food was served. We had steak salad and chips and for dessert we had ice cream, chocolate cake and a banana split. After our final date was done it was time for me to go. Sapnap had said that if I find a way I can say my final goodbye to purpled tomorrow before they kill him. But that was another problem. How. Well that's a problem for tomorrow. I give Purpled a hug and when sapnap looked away for a split second I gave him a kiss on the cheek.

When I got out of the prison I checked my phone for the time and oh fuck I had 72 missed calls from dad and 439 messages from mum and my brothers. This was not going to end well when I get home. I still had a bit of money so I got onto the bus and I now I am I stood outside the front door. Well I am dead meat. So I knocked on the door ready to be greeted by a big lecture and a life time ban from my phone and meeting up with my friends.

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