Chapter13|On my way

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Last night was something when I got home dad was pissed pissed and mum look very worried. Let's just say I won't be having my phone for a while but that's the least of my worries right now, today is the day that they will kill purpled and I have to be there to say goodbye but there is no way dad would let me go and it's the weekend so I can't pull some big escape plan. That only leaves one option, run way. Now that's a bit drastic but I have to say goodbye even if it kills me.

I grab the window and open it. It's a long way down I am on the third floor mum, Dad and will on the second floor and me and Techno on the third. Sadly for me there is no tree that I can jump on so all I can do is go straight down. As I get ready to jump out of the window I hear a knock at the door. I quickly climb back in my room and close the window I don't want any evidence of my bad plan. When I open the door I see Techno standing there.

"What are you doing Techno"

"It's that killers death day and I thought you would want to say goodbye and I would rather I take you then you jump out of your window on the top floor"

"How did you"

"Your hair, it's messier then usual"


"Well are you just going to stand there or are you going to get in the car"

I run out to techno's car and hop in the passenger seat. I gotta agree this is better then jumping out of my window.

~Techno's POV~

"Dad I am taking tommy to hang out for a bit"

"Ok that's fine just don't take him anywhere near the prison"

"Don't worry dad why would I want to be near a killer"

"Ok then have fun"

"Will do dad"

I walk out the house and get in the drivers seat. I am so getting scolded for this but anything for my little brother.

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