Chapter 3|Meet up

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Tommy pov:

As soon as I got home I ran to my room I really wanted to text purpled as he texted me a bit ago but as soon as I got my phone out dad shouted.

"Boys living room now"

I put my phone on my bed and ran downstairs to see my brothers and dad sitting on the sofa so I sit down as well.

"Ok boys I assume you saw the news today so there are some new rules. No going out before And after 5, you are not allowed to be home alone and always be with someone at all times. Ok?" Phil says

We all agreed and I felt bad that I was going to break the rules but it's not like I am in any danger.

~time skip~

It's nearly 12 am now and I just heard techno go to sleep so I grabbed my phone and put my shoes on then I jumped out of my window. Me and purpled had planned to meet up as 12:30 at the park. After 20 minutes I arrived and hopped over the fence to see purpled on the swings. I walked over.

"Hey babe you wanted too see me?"I questioned

"Hey love I need to tell you something" purpled said whilst look at the floor.

What's wrong?" I replied

"We should stop meeting up and cut all communications." he said with tears threatening to break through.

"W-what" i said with tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Not breaking up baby but your not safe while I'm on the run"he said while cupping my face. He kissed me and ran off.

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