Chaper 4| Rumour

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Tommy pov:

I was still really upset from last night and looked like a wreck as I hadn't gotten to sleep that night. My family had asked what's wrong but I just said nothing they wouldn't understand they didn't even know I was dating someone.

~time skip~
I walked into school but everyone was whispering to each other. I finally found Tubbo Ranboo and Jack they were just standing chatting but when they saw me Tubbo said

"Hey Big man"

"Hey what's everyone talking about" I replied
"You didn't here the murder got caught last night and had
been sentenced to death row even though he is only 14"Jack said.

"WHAT" I screamed

Everyone eyes had looked at me for a split second and then they went back to their chats. Before I could say anything the bell rung.
In class it was no better the teacher tried to calm everyone down but none listened everyone was just chatting about the rumours.

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