Chapter5| Rumours 2

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The teacher ended up calm down the class but knew we weren't going to get anywhere if she didn't answer the the questions so she announced.

"Ok ok class some of you have heard about the killer Purpled has been caught, do you have any questions?"

"Is it true he is 14" a girl asked

"Yes sadly he is 14" the teacher answered

"Is he actually going on death row" another asked

"Even though his age he has still been sent to death" the
teacher said whilst setting the board up.
"Ok now let's get learning if you want to know more about
it watch the news tonight" ~time skip~ at lunch

All of my friends were sitting down having their lunch but I couldn't bring myself to eat or even talk I just want to go home and curl up on my bed and dream of a place where I can be free with Purpled. All I could do is stare at my food.

~Tubbo pov~

I was chatting with Ranboo and Jack but I noticed that Tommy hadn't touched his food or hadn't said a word he just was looking at his food. He looked to be deep in thought. I thought he didn't like his food so I said.

"Hey big man do you wanna swap lunch?"

"I am fine I am just not hungry I had a big breakfast" he said still not taking his eyes of his food.

I didn't by it he never has a big breakfast and I have known him since we were 1 month old but I didn't want to push him so I just joined Ranboo and Jack's chat.

Death row sbi Tommy x Purpled(DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now