Chapter 14|Goodbye

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Finally me and Techno arrived at the prison. We walked in and saw Dream and George in different chairs, if that wasn't weird enough Sapnap was there on his phone.

"Hello Tommy and?" Dream asked

"Dream, George, Sapnap meet Techno my
older brother"

"I am guessing you are here to say goodbye"

"Yes is that ok"

"You have 10 minutes before"

"I know"

"Sapnap take him to Purpled"

Me and Sapnap made our way to the new cell apparently he was in the queue and he was third in line. I am guessing Techno was sitting in the waiting room they had a tv and a coffee machine so I am sure he will fine.

We finally made it to a line off cells, as I walked past all the cells I saw so many people with different emotions. Some were crying, some were laughing, some were just staring at nothing but each one scared me.
Eventually we came to Purpled's cell he was so happy to see me.

(Ten minutes later)

Sapnap's Pov

I walked into the cell to see Tommy asleep cuddling Purpled. I would give anything to save purpled, they remind me off my boyfriends one did drugs and the other was an angel but eventually Quackity was caught but the judge had said he had killed people even though he didn't and had sentenced him to death. I would never forget that night, Karl crying I even cried. The day of Quackity's execution Karl said he had a plan to get Quackity out legally I was so excited we were going to get Quackity back but I didn't expect to lose Karl in the process. He had given up his life saying it was him who killed those people and it was him doing the drugs just to save Quackity's life. The worst part was two days later it was found out that neither Karl or Quackity had killed those people but some random dude. Quackity had ended up getting off the hook about the drugs as they thought they had also falsely accused him of them but the guilt never left me but mainly Quackity, he ended up having to get therapy.

"It's time to go now Tommy"

Tommy Pov

"It's time to go now Tommy"

That was the last thing I wanted to wake up to but I got up and kissed Purpled goodbye. Then some guards came and put a brown sack over his head and cuffed his hands behind him. They took him out of the cell to where I guess the electric chair was Sapnap then walked up to me.

"Tommy normally we don't ask and I totally understand but do want to watch in the watching room"

I really didn't want to but what if Purpled was scared I am his boyfriend I should be there for him no matter what even if I don't want to.

"Yes please Sapnap"

Sapnap then lead me to a room with a long glass window , Dream and George were already there. They then brought Purpled to the middle of the room where the chair was. They then pushed him onto the chair and fastened all the chains to him so he couldn't move. Finally they took the sack off his head and but a big metal bowl on his head but this bowl had a bunch of wires attached to it. The guards walked out the room and this important looking man walked in.

"He is the chief officer" Sapnap whispered

All I could do was nod my head never taking my eyes off Purpled.

"Who is this boy and what is he doing here" the chief man asked
Before Sapnap could speak Dream answered

"He is the boy's boyfriend and wanted to be here"

The chief man just nodded

"Very well then we shall begin"

"Grayson Purpled you are here today because of mass murder. What are your last words"

Purpled hadn't looked at me till now. He looked up at me teary eyes met my own.

"I love you Tommy I wish I didn't have to go and I will miss you so much but stay strong make sure you eat even if it's just a packet of crisps, try to get sleep 3 hours at minimum and please never forget me. I will see you soon but not to soon ok? I love you sunshine"

And with that the chief man pressed a big red button and a electric current ran through the wires. Purpled closed his eyes and smiled as his life was drained from him. All I could do was hug Sapnap now not daring to look through the window tears didn't stop coming.

I walked out of the room only to be met with pitty eyes from everyone even some prisoners. I just looked at the floor I couldn't deal with this right now. We walked to the waiting room and the only person there was Techno. He looked up and when he saw that I had been crying, he ran to me and hugged me. Next thing I know we outside of our door we both knew that dad will be so mad but I couldn't bring myself to care I had just lost the love of my life the last thing that I was worried about was what was behind those doors.

Techno pov

It's been half an hour and I was started getting bored but I heard people walking into the room. Finally we can go home now. I lifted my head to see what I knew I would see but what I want to see. Tommy eyes red from crying so much but he still cry. I stood op and ran to Tommy pulling him into a hug and patted his head. I looked at the three guards only to see all of them with a mix of sad and guilty looks. I knew what had happened and I was kind of glad knowing that everyone was safe but at the same sad I felt bad for Tommy he had loved that boy so much no matter what he did. Most people will say that the murder- no Purpled had brainwashed him but I wasn't most people I saw how far Tommy will go for this boy. Yet the world is cruel in so many ways I had always tried to protect tommy from the horrors of the world but he still found someone who made his world but as I have always said to my friends who had their hearts broken ' it wasn't your fault you just loved a bad person'.

I carried tommy to the car and put him in the passenger seat and got in the drivers seat. I kept glancing at Tommy when we were at a traffic light but all he did was stare out of the window, he looked lifeless like a body that had lost the meaning of life.

We pulled up on the driveway and I parked the car. Tommy climbed out of the passenger seat at we walked up the the door. Now was a good time to start worrying not just about tommy but about mum and dad even will, I am in so much trouble I know Tommy doesn't care I don't blame him either he just watched his boyfriend die in front of him and he couldn't do anything. I can't even imagine what he is feeling. I then knocked on the door hoping for anyone but dad to open the door I would even rather have a robber open the door then dad. The door swings open to reveal.

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