2. Sean, You're on the Wrong Train

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No one's POV:

For starters, the train ride went alright. Alec was able to find himself a spot to sit without needing to stand for who knows how long. It seemed like everyone that was on the train found themselves a spot to sit, too. Now all he had to do was wait. 

As more and more people were crowding into the train, many of them being first classes like him, he realized that the majority of them seemed to be acquainted with each other already, or for the ride, at least. Whenever a person would come in, they would skim around for any open spaces before heading towards one, whether it was a spot that was fairly empty for now, or a spot near a group of people that looked nice enough among the crowd. However, they wouldn't let alone glance Alec's way, practically skim over him completely, in favor of another open spot. While there was a space next to him, no one seemed interested enough to introduce themselves to him, or even just to sit next to him at all. In a way, it kind of made Alec feel a little left out.

By the time everyone was on board, an intercom interrupted the chattering occurring on the train, and everyone shut up immediately to hear what was being said. 

"Attention everybody," it said, "We are now heading to our destination. Please sit tight and be patient as the transportation process can begin. Thank you."

Everyone whispered once it was over, sharing their excitement with their peers, while Alec sat quietly by himself, listening to them as he peered out his side of the window for any stragglers.

As Alec waited for the train to start moving, the door to his car suddenly slid open, and someone came stumbling in. He looked older that the rest, probably 13 or 14. But that wasn't the only thing that was different. He was wearing weird, eccentric clothing, a robe that looked twice his size, and specifically a large, old-looking wizard hat. Carrying his mass of things in what appeared to be some kind of adventurer's bag, he held something notable in his hand: a staff. One with an admirable crystal on it, catching the eyes of everyone if they weren't drawn in by his clothes first. 

Currently, all of the seats on this car had been taken. All except for the space next to Alec. Discovering this for himself, the wizard found his way through the crowd and settled next to him, setting his bag in between his feet and his staff on his lap. He released a deep breath like he was relieved that he made it before the train bolted off. Alec just stared at him, like the other children did, looking at him curiously. Who was this person? What world did they come from to wear such outlandish clothes?

"Oh, sorry!" he suddenly stammered, realizing that Alec was eyeing him strangely. He fidgeted with his scarf. "It's all right if I sit here, right?"

Alec raised his brows. He didn't sound from here, either. His accent was, well, nothing Alec heard before. 

"Sure," he said. "But—"

"Oh, good. I'm already late as is. Thank you for your hospitality, Mr..." When Alec didn't say anything, the wizard leaned over to whisper: "This is the part where you introduce yourself."

"Just call me Alec," he replied. 

"Alec, hmm?" He tapped his chin with his fingers like he was playing a quick tune on a piano.  "Interesting."

"What's so interesting about my name?" Alec tilted his head and cocked a brow. 

The wizard then shook his head and swiped his hand away dismissively. "Nevermind that. The name's Sean! Nice to meet you, Alec!"

Alec didn't know how to respond. Why was this random person suddenly talking to him? Who even was this guy? He certainly didn't look or act *normal* or *average* like everyone else seemed to be. Also, this guy talked weird... according to Alec.

He tried to ignore it for now and shook hands with the oddly kind stranger. "Are you a Tier One Class, Alec?" he asked. "You look a little small."

Alec frowned slightly. That seemed to be what everyone noticed first whenever they met him. Even though everyone in his class was around the same age of twelve, he was shorter than everyone else, to the point where he hated it and got annoyed whenever people asked "when are you going to get your growth spurt " or "why are you so small anyway?" Whenever that happened in public, specifically when he was out with his parents, his moms would have to explain that he just hasn't reached his time yet, or whatever. It was kind of embarrassing, especially for him, who wanted nothing but to make friends and fit in. 

"Yeh," he told the wizard guy. "A Swordmaster. A skilled one too, according to my instructor."

"Gosh," Sean said. "I bet you'll be hitting the moon in no time!"

The moon? They were going to the moon? Alec suddenly felt anxious, but Sean didn't look too bothered at all. (Of course, it was an exaggeration. How silly of Alec to believe such things.)

"Are you a first class too?" Alec asked.

Sean shook his head again. "Nope. I'm an Elementalist. A Tier 2 Class."

"Then what are you doing on the tier 1 train?" 

Sean's face flushed a little. "I uh... Missed my train." 

"Does your train leave earlier?" 

Before Sean could answer Alec's question, the intercom came on again, and everyone went silent again. "Attention everyone, the train will now be leaving. Reminder to keep your bags on your lap or seat, and closed. First stop, Crescent Cove." 

Following what the intercom said, Alec picked up his suitcases and rested both of them on his lap. Sean offered to hold one of them, to which Alec agreed as they waited for the train to move. 

Then, all of a sudden, he was thrown back into his seat.


[Word count: 991 words]

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