21. Alec's First Pet

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As soon as Alec and Elliot stepped out of the second dungeon, they saw their two mentors still bickering back and forth in the village. Only this time they seemed to be fighting. Or so Alec thought, but after closer inspection, he saw that they were just fighting off surrounding snakes. Yet at the same time, they acted like they wanted to battle each other, as they were spurring insults at each other. So much, in fact, that they didn't notice that Elliot and Alec had returned from their trip to the second dungeon. They probably didn't even notice them heading in at all, either. 

Alec watched as they tussled with the snakes, considering whether or not to tell Cal that he was done, and to check off his quests. But he was taken out of his thoughts when Elliot passed him, and he looked off to see where he was going. Ignoring his blabbering mentor, he was walking away up to the Boarwolf Forest. Not exactly wanting to be left with his mentor either, and not wanting to hang much around the snakes anymore, Alec followed him. Passing by a huge ship, Alec kept close to Elliot as he disappeared into the thicket, leaving the boy slightly concerned. There were boarwolves in this forest, and for all he knew they were hiding right under his nose. So it made Alec wonder as to why Elliot would be searching for them in the first place. Looking around, he saw other adventurers fighting off toucans or following the path that lead further into the cove. He caught one or two who did the same thing as Elliot, and disappeared into the bushes and the trees. 

Putting his coins and treats away, Alec decided to go into the bushes himself and see what the fuss was all about. As he did, he walked right into a battle between a huge boarwolf and the defender, bigger than the regular ones near the town. It had thicker fur, bigger tusks, and redder eyes. However, as Alec took out his sword to defend himself from this massive hybrid, Elliot got to it first, and it soon disintegrated into red shards. 

"What are you doing here?" Elliot spat. "Go back to playing dress up or something." 

Alec narrowed his eyes and frowned. "What are you doing?" he asked him. "It's like what happened yesterday! Why are you slaying so many boarwolves? Is it for a quest?" 

"Obviously. Why else would I be killing these things?" He then raised his axe above his head. "Look out!

Alec jumped out of the way in an instant, and the defender jumped and attacked another approaching boarwolf. It went down after a few blows, and Elliot shot an irritated look at Alec. "Get out of here. You're in my way!" 

"What quest is it for, though?" Alec asked, suddenly interested. To him, it seemed odd to have to kill so many boarwolves for a quest. "What do you get out of it?" 

"Look at it for yourself." Elliot snapped, towering over him. He forced two fingers toward his face. "You have eyes. Use them." 

Alec's hands formed into fists. "I am using them. To look at your ugly--" 

"Alec!" someone interrupted. The two boys turn to see an elementalist trudging through the bushes, using his staff to clear the way. He had some leaves and thorns sticking to his big sorcerer hat, but he didn't seem to notice. Instead Sean looked down at Alec with a smile. "I thought that you'd still be resting!" 

"What are you doing here?" Alec asked, while Elliot looked over the elementalist with a judging gaze. 

"You look like a fool," he commented to Sean. 

Alec gasped, insulted, while Sean continued grinning from ear to ear. "Who's your friend, Alec? He seems like a real joy!" 

Elliot's nostrils flared as Alec shook his hands. "Oh, we're not friends. I was just, uh, asking him something." 

"And he was just leaving," Elliot added, pushing Alec a little too harshly toward the mage. "Now leave me alone." 

Alec stick out his tongue and blew raspberries while Sean guided the younger boy away from the defender, taking him out of the bushes. "I didn't think that you were already ready for the Boarwolf Forest. Just yesterday you were fighting crabs on the beach!" When Alec didn't respond, Sean said, "Have you gone in another dungeon yet?"

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