35. Shattered Sky

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There hadn't been much word from the elites for a long time, putting everyone on high alert. While everyone was trying to pretend that nothing was wrong and just continued on with their quests, whether that be main or side, they couldn't ignore the fact that the corruption was getting stronger and affecting more of the land every day. Alec was worried about leaving the dormitories every day, despite Cal persuading him out to at least work on his side quests. Was it really that safe to go out anymore?

The next supposed dungeon on his list, The Gravetower, wasn't opened still, and neither was the third with the Dire. The elites were apparently still working on it. Alec couldn't help but feel a little skeptical, wondering if they were actually doing anything behind the scenes or if they were just all talk and no work. When he brought it up with his mentor, all that Cal said was, "We need to give them time. They know what they're doing." But there was a hint in his voice that made the young swordmaster believe that he had his doubts, too. In the end, Alec decided to do what everyone else did; he kept his mouth shut and worked on his quests, trusting that the elites were doing their job.

One day, Cal took Alec back to the shoreline in the Boarwolf Forest to slay a few more elite boarwolves before finishing up on his toucan side quest. He watched the boy from a distance as he swung around his glowing sword at the red and black big birds while he sharpened his sword against the boulder he was sitting on. He kept a close eye on Alec, mentally tallying the kills he made as the toucans gradually crowded around him. When he noticed Alec missed a step and barely dodged a dive, he said, "You're doing it again, Alec."

Alec sliced at the bird's neck, shriveling it bright red. "What?"

"You're losing your focus," he observed. "Keep your head clear. If you stargaze during a fight then you'll get hurt."

Alec sighed and rubbed his head. It was hard to concentrate on anything, really. Not when he kept reminding himself about the corruption, or the ominous dark fog surrounding the tower just a little farther away from where he was standing on the shore. It felt like a pounding headache that he could never get rid of.


The boy wiped his head again.

Cal cleared his throat. "How about we take a break?" He slid off the rock and started walking down the path. "Come on."

Alec breathed deeply and put away his sword, following the paladin onto the ship washed up on the beach. They stood next to the railing, looking out at the ocean. Well, Alec didn't. He couldn't bear seeing that grueling tower, even though it was but a silhouette from where they were on the Cove. He looked down at the tide coming in instead, lost in his bottled thoughts. Callahan glanced at him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Hey. What's wrong?" When he didn't answer immediately, he asked, "Are you homesick?"

Alec shook his head. He hadn't thought about home for a long time. That was the least of his worries now.

"Then what's up?"

The boy felt a lump in his throat and he tightened his mouth, not wanting to talk. He felt like he was going to cry but he wouldn't let himself. He didn't want to seem like a fool.

"Is it about the corruption thing?"

Alec was unresponsive for a minute, not looking at Cal. He finally nodded.

Cal sighed. "Look, bud. I'm just as worried about it too. I mean, it's terrifying! We have no idea what's going on or where it came from to begin with." He rubbed his back. "But the elites are doing everything they can. I can't say why they're being so quiet about it, but they're working out on how to turn everything back to normal." He forced a smile. "Everything will be fine." He then added, "It's okay to be afraid. But right now we have to be brave."

For The Greater Good-World 1: A Corrupted Cove || World//Zero ||Where stories live. Discover now