3. The Journey to World Zero

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No one's POV:

The first thing Alec felt was a jerk of the train, forcing himself back into his seat, like a plane lifting into the air or a rollercoaster when it took off the tracks. Everyone was practically holding onto their belongings and seats, so they wouldn't end up going over each other. Startled by the change in movement, people either remained quiet in shock or cried out in confusion. Alec was among the few who were too stunned to speak, and held onto his suitcase tightly as his breath was almost taken away from him, eyes wide and face growing pale. With a racing heartbeat pounding in his ears, he glanced at Sean, who was straining a smile as if he couldn't feel the effects of the train like everyone else did. Next to him was the window, and Alec's stomach churned when he saw the world flashing before his eyes like they were going through a disco tunnel of sorts. 

Despite the noise of the children in the train car, it would've been an overall quiet, smooth ride, as there was barely any screeching of the wheels or anything. It wasn't even bumpy. 

Alec's teeth chattered as he exclaimed, "W-What i-is h-happening?!" 

"Keep your pants on," Sean said carelessly. "The train will stop in about a few seconds."

As soon as Sean said that, the train suddenly came to an abrupt stop, causing everyone in their seats to verge forward. Alec actually landed on the floor, which made Sean chuckle a little. As Alec was getting himself together, the intercom came back on as the train doors slid open. Alec was too focused on retrieving his things and smoothing out his wrinkled clothes than listening to what the person over the intercom had to say. Once it was finished, everyone started groaning and holding their heads as they picked up their things, stood up, and pooled outside. Alec jumped a little when he felt someone tap his shoulder, but relaxed when he realized that it was just Sean, still holding his other suitcase for him. 

"Come on," he said. "The boat isn't going to wait for us." 

"Boat?!" Alec nearly shouted. He wasn't sure if he could take anymore quick rides. After the train, he felt like he was going to throw up.

"Yeh," Sean nodded. "Unless you want to take a shortcut." 

As Sean and Alec walked out of the train, walking onto a platform that appeared to be a docking station, Alec gawked at his surroundings. For how short the ride was, nothing looked to be the same as it did just minutes ago. The sky was the bluest he has ever seen, and so was the ocean that glittered beside the dock surrounding the platform everyone stood on. The sun was merely a glowing white orb in the sky, almost godly-like as if it was a celestial being or realm itself. As people crowded on the dock, he noticed that specifically, the older ones of the crowd had mythical beings tailing after them. Pets! Though, many of them weren't what he'd normally see. In fact, he couldn't even spot one cat or dog in the mix of beasts. 

Alec was curious. How did they manage to get those in the first place? Was that even legal? But those aren't the questions he should be asking. 

Where even was he? Was this still...Earth? 

As if he read his mind, Sean extended his arms out, a smile splayed on his face. "Welcome to World Zero, Alec! What do you think of the view?" 

Alec was breathless. "It's almost surreal..." He turned to the Elementalist. "Are we even still on Earth?"

"Good question, newbie," Sean said, rolling his sleeves down. "You see, that train you rode on wasn't an actual train. It is kind of like a teleportation device."

"Really?" Alec glanced back at the way they came. "How does that even work?" 

"Don't ask me. I'm not the one who engineered the thing." Sean scratched the side of his face. "If you want my opinion, I'd just say it's some magic thing. Oh hey, look over there!" 

Ears perked, Alec turned and followed Sean's direction, and saw a boat—no, a ship!—coming towards the dock. Why it was massive! It reminded Alec of a pirate ship in a movie he saw. For some reason, it gave him a sort of thrill to see a replica of one in person. 

Sean put his hands on his hips, watching it come closer into view. "It's still got a ways to get here, though," he commented. "But look behind it. Can you see that silhouette?" 

Alec squinted, and he did indeed see the silhouette of something, hiding behind a thick patch of white clouds on the horizon. 

"That is a massive island," Sean explained. "That is World 1. Your first destination." He then furrowed his brows. "Wish the clouds weren't covering it. It's normally never cloudy over there. Wonder why that's the case..."

Alec didn't listen. He was too focused on World 1, and how excited he was to get there. 

Sean scratched his chin, pondering before shaking his head, dismissing the cloud cover, and turning to Alec. "Anyway, the boat ride will probably take the whole day. And based on experience, I wouldn't recommend going on it if you're seasick."

Alec smirked. "Are you seasick?" he asked Sean. 

Sean blushed before averting his gaze to somewhere else. "N-Nah. But I'm not goin' to be on a ship for hours, so..."

"You're abandoning me?" 

"No! It's just...I'm going to take a shortcut there, alright? So, don't worry! I'll be waiting for you on the other side, I promise! Here." 

Sean felt through his pockets before taking Alec's hand and putting it in his palm. It was a violet ribbon, with golden symbols inscribed on it. Alec eyed it suspiciously before glaring at Sean. 

"It's an oath. You have my word, just as long as you keep that wrapped around your hand, like this."

Leaning over, Sean proceeded to wrap the violet ribbon around the boy's hand until it was nice and snug. He then grabbed another ribbon out of his pocket and wrapped it on his own, before showing it off in front of Alec. "See? We'll only take it off when we see each other again, okay?"

Alec thought this was weird, but decided not to question it. It must've been something teenagers or Tier 2 Classes do. "Like a pinkie promise, right?"

"Right, exactly!" Sean said happily. "I knew you'd understand." He looked back out into the ocean. "I'll wait with you until the ship arrives. Then I oughta leave."

Alec nodded. "Thanks."

Alec and Sean found a spot to sit somewhere at the edge of the dock, for the time being, watching the ship slowly closing in as their feet dangled over the water. While they waited, the two boys talked for a while, getting more acquainted with each other. Sean told Alec that he was born in a "Zeroian" family, (meaning that practically all of his family members were sent to World Zero at least once in their lifetime) and that the majority of them were mages or at least in that sort of category for the remainder of their stay. When Alec felt brave enough to ask about the ribbon, Sean explained that it was something their family came up with during their time in World Zero and that it just stuck ever since. Alec found it interesting how a small thing like that can soon be included in someone's culture. 

Eventually, the boat was now by the dock, and everyone got in a line and waited their turn to get on. Before he left, Sean returned Alec's suitcases and bid him farewell, not before reciting his "oath" again. Alec appreciated it and waved him goodbye as he got in line himself. The next time he glanced behind him to see Sean, he resisted a gasp when he spotted him twirling his staff, tapping it onto the platform, and disappearing away. 


[Word count: 1337 words]

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