38. Into the Dungeon

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Alec stared at the girl's hand for a while, not sure whether or not to take it. He turned his head back to the looming dark castle in front of them, sitting on the palm of the charred hand-shaped mountain. Every bit of this place was intimidating and powerful, almost like it was challenging the boy without so much as saying anything. The groans of the glowing, radioactive blobs that moved gradually on the blackened ground, and the sound of metal from armored creatures said enough. This place was not to be messed with. 

Alec jumped a little in surprise when he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, and he turned to see that it was Sean, smiling down at him. While his smile was as weak as Symphony's, there was a look in his eyes that brought encouragement and comfort to him. Then, one by one, the remaining adventurers took a step forward and lined up next to each other, standing amongst one another in support of this great challenge. Even Danny, while blinded by the Dire Boarwolf, navigated his way with confidence in his grip on his staff, with Feste at his side with determination. Cal stood on the other side of Sean with Melody and Bastian, Elliot's mentor. Elliot walked up with Mindy and Aris, standing next to Alec, whether that was intentional or not. He didn't look at the smaller boy, but was facing the dark tower with stoic expression, hiding fear with a brave face. It felt odd to Alec, seeing everyone bound together like this despite the risks of getting hurt, or possibly worse. But at the same time, it somehow made him stronger, and feel like he could actually do this. 

He turned back to Symphony then and took her hand. Together, they took the first steps toward the last dungeon. 

They walked silently on a cobblestone path. Alec couldn't help himself and looked at the monsters as they passed them. Knights with aged armor stalked them with red eyes that glowed from the dark abyss from their helmets, and the toxic green blobs moved their arms and body from side to side, making gurgling noises along the way. 

"What are those things?" Alec finally whispered, worried to bring more attention to the group. 

"Ghoul knights and goos. Toxic goos, actually," Sean whispered back. 

"Gross..." Elliot groaned behind them. "They look like wads of boogers if you ask me." 

The group hiked up a grand staircase that hovered over a thick green neon stream, toward the doors of the tower. A barred gate blocked their entry inside, red eyes glowing from inside as whispers chilled them like an icy wind. There was no lever in sight to open this door, but there was a pressure plate on the ground in front of it. 

"I got this," Cal said, and went first. Everyone in the group watched nervously and with anticipation as he lowered his foot onto the pressure plate. Just like that, a portal opened up, the inside of it reflecting the purple, galaxy-like appearance like the cracked sky. Bastian separated himself from the group and held one of his axes into the portal before drawing it out. Once he concluded that it was safe, he disappeared into the portal. One by one, the adventurers went inside. Once it was Aris and Mindy's turn, they both held hands and went in at the same time. Elliot, Alec, Symphony, Callahan, and Sean were the last to head inside.

"Apprentices first," Cal said. "So we don't loose you." 

The three kids looked at each other nervously before Symphony decided that she better go first. She let go of Alec's hand and went into the portal. Elliot went to the portal next, without looking at the boy. Sean patted Alec's back, urging him to go. Despite the circumstances, he smiled still. "See you on the other side, buddy." 

Alec nodded to him. "See you on the other side," he repeated. As he stood in front of the portal, he glanced at his mentor before stepping inside, the purple aura engulfing him. He took another step and there he was, back with his group in an unfamiliar place. Seconds later, Sean and Cal made it as well, all together again. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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