7. In the Tavern

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No one's POV:

As soon as Alec and Sean walked into the tavern, an instant warmness brushed past his face, as well as the enticing smell of food. In an instant, like it flicked a switch inside him, his stomach started to rumble in yearning. He was starving; he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast that morning.

Sean seemed to notice this, as he glanced down at his new friend with an amused grin. "You hungry? Don't worry! I can spare some of my gold for a second."

Alec eyed Sean with gratitude as he took a step towards the counter, and ordered something for the both of them to eat. While he was waiting, the alluring playing of instruments caught his attention, and he turned to see a teenage girl sitting on a ledge while playing with a lyre. Next to her was a cream-colored cat, who swayed gently with the tune of the song.

A hand on his shoulder made him jump, and Alec looked back at Sean. "Let's go find us a place to sit, hm?"

Finding a place that wasn't taken already, Alec and Sean sat down as they waited for their food. As much as Alec wanted to listen to the music the girl was playing, Sean fished him out of his thoughts.

"So...how was the ride? Anything exciting happen? Did you watch the sunset?"

Alec met Sean's eager gaze and shrunk a little in his seat. While Sean was being nice to him, it made Alec feel a little intimidated.

"It was fine," he replied. "There wasn't really much to do, though."

Sean blew out a puff of air. "I get that. They really need to have activities for people on there." He then giggled to himself. "I remember last year, a ton of people would duel each other out of boredom. If I remember correctly, it got a little too competitive though..."

Alec's eyes widened, remembering the duel between the defender and the mage down in the captain's chamber.

Sean tossed his head back, reaching to take off his hat and run his hands through his blonde hair. "That probably didn't happen during your trip, but I wouldn't be surprised if it did." He winked. "Did it?"

"Uh, yeah." Alec averted his eyes. "I almost got involved in one."

A smile burst through the wizard's face. "No way! What happened? Did you kick his butt?"

"No! I said I almost got involved. Someone took my place before I could even do it." Alec scratched the back of his neck. "And besides, I wouldn't have stood a chance."

"Come on, Alec. You said your instructor told you that you were the best in your class!"

"Yeah, but that was my instructor. No one else would think so. Anyway, this guy was much bigger than me, and... he looked stronger, too. I just didn't want to risk it."

"Just because he 'looked stronger' and bigger doesn't mean that you couldn't beat him."

Alec folded his arms. "I know..."

Sean frowned a little before shrugging, turning his head towards the window. "Well, maybe it was for the best. But still, don't let people drag you down. Even though I'll admit that it's easier said than done."

"Hmm." Alec didn't say more after that.

A waiter stopped by at their table and set down two plates of food, each of them being the same meal. Alec looked over it but didn't exactly know what it was. It looked like a platter with lamb, pork, or just some kind of meat with a bone sticking through it, doused in a sauce that just screamed spicy and some chopped vegetables. Alec raised his gaze as Sean got to work on his plate, and looked around expectantly. "Are there any silverware?" he asked.

"Who needs silverware?" Sean said, licking off some of the sauce on his fingers. "Dig in!"

Alec tapped the table as he carefully studied what was exactly on his plate. While Alec was normally open-minded, especially to trying new things, seeing whatever this was that Sean called "food" didn't quite sit well with him. If it wasn't clear enough, Alec was a picky eater.

"Is there anything else?" Alec asked, all of a sudden. "No offense, but is there regular food? Like the stuff you'd find on Earth?"

"Of course there is. There are all different kinds of sweets and whatnot, like cake and ice cream. Those are mainly reserved for pets, though."

Alec cocked a brow. "Pets don't eat sweets."

"They do here," Sean corrected. "It helps them evolve."

Alec was confused. How could sweets help pets? For all he knew, sweets were the last thing you'd want to give to your pet. And even if you did, there was always the risk of them getting sick, or worse.

"Don't worry about it. Come on, eat. It's not like it'll kill ya."

Alec winced before picking up the bone of the unknown meat and biting into the cooked flesh. The sauce burned his lips and brought a tang to his tongue, but it tasted familiar enough to the point where he felt like he could take another bite.

As he was finishing up his meal, someone came into the tavern. When the door opened, an icy cold breeze replaced that of the warm atmosphere, causing everyone to turn towards the entrance of the building. Walking inside, holding his sword and his shield close to his body, he turned his head when someone shouted out a name.

"Welcome back, Callahan!"

A group of about five people, Tier 3s, most likely, lifted their glasses in greeting the paladin. Alec side glanced at them. Did they know him?

Everyone else who wasn't aware of this man turned away, focusing back on their food or conversations. The girl on the ledge started playing her lyre again as the paladin wiped off bits of snow from his hair. Alec did nothing but stared.

Sean leaned forward slightly towards him. "Looks like he just came from World 3."

Alec didn't understand but turned to Sean. "Do you know him?"

Sean shrugged again. "Oh, sure. He was in my class before I came to World Zero."

That seemed to catch Alec's attention. "Really?" Then Alec's heart skipped a beat. How could Sean be in this paladin's class? He was a swordsman, and Sean wasn't.

"Yeh," Sean confirmed. "He was a fast learner though, so he moved up a tier. Not to mention that he was a couple of years older than the rest of us."

Alec decided not to question it and followed up with Sean's comment. "Is that even allowed?"

"Why not? Just as long as it's possible."

Alec glanced at "Callahan" again before looking back at Sean. "Are you friends with him?"

"Eh." Sean crossed his arms. "I wouldn't say that we're 'friends.'"


Sean strained a smile. "Just finish your food."

As Alec shyly bit off more meat from the bone, the paladin walked over to the group of Tier 3s and sat down. Alec listened to what they said behind him.

"What took you so long?" one of them asked.

"That's a stupid question," another commented. "You should really be asking what he's doing back so early."

The paladin spoke. "Lucille told me that my apprentice was here," he explained. "I forgot that there was another shipment of people today."

"So did I."

"Well, have you found 'em yet?"

The paladin shook his head. "She said he'd be in the tavern, though. Give me a minute to rest, and then I'll scout him out."

Alec and Sean looked at each other in shock.


[Word count: 1271 words]

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