26. An Abandoned Village

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Alec ran after Symphony as fast as his legs could carry him. He held his fox kit close as he sprinted across the path, not stripping his gaze away from the mage. The surroundings in the corner of his eyes changed from grassy fields to golden yellow crops. The thick bushes and tall trees of the Boarwolf Forest seemed to condense everything, and the darkness didn't help. Alec already felt the tightness in the air and in his lungs, making it hard to breathe and see. But he ran ahead, keeping at Symphony's pace. If she was still ahead of him, at that.

Soon enough, Alec saw the night sky again, the stars sparkling above. There was no time to admire it, however, as he continued to run after the girl. She sprinted up the hill, passed the glowing Waystone, up to the gleaming crystal. Alec followed her as she slowed down before coming to a complete stop. As he got closer, he was able to peer over her shoulder, to which he froze in his tracks. The boards blocking the way into the third dungeon were now on the floor in the dirt, axed down into pieces. There was no sign of the group of kids anywhere. Nothing but the breeze that whistled past.

Alec held his breath.

For a long time, Symphony didn't say anything. Her silence made Alec quiet.

After a few seconds, Alec forced himself to speak. "Symphony?"

The girl tensed her shoulders, took a breath, and turned around to face him. "I think they went in there."

"Do we go after them?"

Symphony darted her head back to the dungeon's entrance.

"M-Maybe we should go back," he stammered out. "We can tell Lucille and--"

"No! We'll get in trouble!"


"We're not supposed to be out right now. I don't want my mentor finding out about this. And those kids could be in danger! Who knows what the corruption could've done to this dungeon?"

Alec was about to disagree, but he held his tongue. He certainly didn't want Cal to know that he was out at night, when he wasn't supposed to, and what would've happened if the elites found out about it? And what about those kids?

"O-Okay," Alec said. "But let me come with you."

Symphony eyed him up and down before nodding. "Okay. Let's go."

The both of them rushed down the path, with Celeste soaring after them. They were not alone, though. Farther away, pushing aside leaves that were blocking the way, someone watched as they ventured into the closed dungeon. Seconds later, they left from their hiding spot, getting on their tail.

Meanwhile, Alec and Symphony sped toward what looked like a wooden fort. The gate was up, revealing that the beaten-down trail went further along up the strange, unfamiliar hill. Alec also spotted what looked like buildings up ahead, too. Was there perhaps a town here? Then where were all of the people?

"Is that where we're supposed to go?" Alec asked.

"I think so. Come on."

As the mage took a step toward the bridge taking them to the other side, an exclaim from someone drew their attention, and the two turned to see someone rushing toward them. Alec almost made a run for it, fearing that it was Cal or some other higher up. But when they got closer, he realized that it was Elliot. He didn't know if that was a good thing or not. Either way he came, and his boarwolf Brutus was galloping behind him.

Alec narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "Why are you here?"

"I could ask the same thing," Elliot snapped back.

"Did you follow us?"

"Obviously, dummy."

"But how did you notice us? And why--why are you even out in the first place? It's dark!"

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