34. The Gravetower

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As a way to celebrate the completion of his fourth dungeon, Cal decided to treat Alec to dinner at the tavern. After putting his armor away in his room, Alec followed his mentor with excruciating excitement into the bustling warm tavern, reenacting his heroicness with a smile on his face.

"And I was like, 'take that!'" he exclaimed, swiping his sword around in the air, nearly hitting one of the patrons sitting at a table.

Cal chuckled and lowered the boy's sword. "Let's try not to hurt anybody, yeah?"

Alec nodded and sheathed his sword. "Sorry."

Cal smiled at him. "Why don't you find us somewhere to sit. I'll order our food."


Alec stepped away from his mentor and went to find a spot to sit, passing the blonde girl practicing her lyre. It looked like his usual spot by the window was occupied by another mentor and her apprentice, so he looked for another place to sit. Raising his head over the surrounding adventurers, he managed to catch the familiar faces of Melody and Symphony sitting at the table in the corner by the blazing fireplace. He decided to go up and say hello to them. He waved when Symphony raised her head and smiled.


Symphony raised her hand. "Hi."

Melody smiled kindly. "Hey, Alec!" Her pet white quillodile plopped its big narrow head on the table and appeared to be smiling at him too. Before Alec could say much else, Melody asked, "Would you like to sit with us?"

"Sure. Is it okay if my mentor does, too? He's getting us food right now."

Melody nodded. "Of course! Just find a place to sit."

Alec decided to take the place next to the younger mage. Symphony scooted over slightly as Alec and his fox kit got situated, his pet immediately curling into his lap.

"Your pet seems to have gotten bigger," Symphony remarked, looking down at the orange animal.

Alec rubbed his hand on his fox's head. "Yeh, I guess so." He did notice that it was a little heavier when he picked it up. "Maybe it's because I've been giving him those treats."

"The pet food is quite the growth booster for them," Melody commented. "So you'll be noticing a lot of changes the more you feed them."

Alec raised his brow. "What kind of changes?"

"Oh, it's nothing to be too concerned about," Melody assured. "They're appearance might change as well as their ability. You know, my pet quillodile was never always white. It used to be small and purple when it first hatched."

"Like Sean's?" Alec blurted out.


"Oh, my friend," Alec explained. "He has a baby quillodile pet and it was small and purple too. He says that he doesn't want it though."

"Well, then send him to me. I'll make use out of it." Melody grinned.

Alec laughed slightly before looking at Symphony. He couldn't keep in his excitement any longer. "Guess what? I finished the fourth dungeon!"

Symphony looked up from her hands. "You did? By yourself?"

Alec winced a little at that last bit, but nodded his head. "Yea! And I didn't even need my mentor's help! Or, well, not all of it."

"Hm," Symphony said. "Good for you."

A red-haired waitress came by to their table. "Symphony finished that one today, as well," Melody mentioned as the waitress set down their food. "Did you know that there is a side quest where you can actually get a replica of the King Crab's crown?"

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