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Two for one special today    Lmao

Two for one special today    Lmao

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899 words


I smiled at the beautiful woman in front of me.
She used to be the queen of Naboo, I was just her bodyguard. Normally, once they left power, we would leave them. But I couldn't leave Padme, I didn't want to leave Padme.

Now she is a senator, but she has been getting death threats.
So I've been protecting her.
Eventually, someone called for two Jedi to guard her as well, which brings us here.

I was sat in front of the senator, waiting for the Jedi to arrive.
Once the door opened, two Jedi walked in.
Padme seemed drawn to one of them, which worried me.

I had loved Padme for many years, and I still do. But she seemed drawn to this Jedi.
I shook it off. They were just childhood friends, right?

"You must be Y/n." The older Jedi said.
"Yes, and who might you be?"
"I'm Obi-Wan Kenobi, and this is my padawan, Anakin Skywalker." He introduced.
I shook their hands and looked at Padme.

Her eyes were fixated on Anakin.
A few hours went by, I was talking to Obi-Wan about ideas to keep the senator safe.
"Padme, you should rest now." I said to her. It was pretty late.

Padme nodded and took my hand, going to her room.
I felt confused as of why she was taking me with her, but I didn't ask her.
She pulled me inside of her room and shut the door.

"Is there something you need?" I asked her.
"Well, I wanted someone to stay with me, since they put a security camera in here and I covered it."
"Why didn't you choose one of the Jedi?"
"Well they're both men and that's just weird.

I chuckled and grabbed her night clothing,  handing it to her.
She thanked me and took it.
I turned away as she changed into her night clothing.

Once Padme was dressed, she laid in her bed and fell asleep.
I smiled at her sleeping figure.
After a few minutes of watching, I saw something in the window.

I quickly grabbed my blaster and shot it. Whatever it was fell down and crashed.
Padme woke up with a gasp.
"Sorry for waking you, but there was something that tried to enter the room." I said.

The Jedi rushed into the room from the blaster shot and Anakin held his lightsaber to my neck, thinking I tired shooting her.
"Anakin! Stop it! She saved me!" Padme yelled at him.

He put his lightsaber down apologized.
I glared at him and turned to Padme.
Obi-Wan was scolding Anakin harshly behind me.
"Padme, I think it may be the best idea to transport you and a Jedi to the lakeside villa." I said.

"Will you come with us? I'd like you to be there." She smiled.
"Sure, I am your bodyguard after all."
I told the other two what we would be doing.
"Anakin will go with you two while I figure out who's behind all of this." Obi-Wan said.

At the lakeside villa

Anakin and Padme talked a lot while I just stood beside them.
But when I saw Anakin and Padme kiss, something inside me shattered.
I walked away from them and went inside the villa.

I distracted myself by unpacking my clothing in my room.
I heard a knock on my door.
"Y/n? Are you in there?" Padmes voice rang out.

"Yes, is there anything you need?" I responded.
"No, I just wanted to make sure you were alright."
"Thank you for checking in, I'm unpacking currently." I said.
"Oh! Let me help you then." She said, entering the room.

"You don't have to do it." I said, giving her a small smile.
"Of course I have to, you do so much for me." She said with a smile.
"Well, what do you want in return for helping me?" I asked.

She seems to be thinking about it.
"How about... a kiss." She smirked. I froze at her words.
"A-A kiss on the cheek?" I questioned, a blush spreading to my cheeks.

"No. A kiss on the lips." She corrected.
My heart that bad just shattered a few moments ago, felt like it was glued back together.
I cleared my throat and looked at her.
"Are you being serious or teasing me?"

She rolled her eyes and kissed me deeply and passionately.
"Does that answer it?" She questioned.
"Wait... but Anakin."
"I explained to him that I like women, he was very accepting."

I sighed in relief.
Padme just laughed and helped me unpack.
Once we finished, I began to walk towards her room to help her unpack, when she grabbed my arm and pulled me down to kiss her again.

"Padme, we need to get you unpacked." I laughed.
She sighed and reluctantly let go of me.
We entered her room and got her unpacked.
She kissed me yet again and smiled up at me.
"Could you stay in here with me tonight?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled.
"And one more thing, would you like to be my girlfriend?" She asked.
Good lord she had so much confidence.
I wouldn't have even been able to tell her I had a crush on her, and she was asking me to be her girlfriend.

"Yes, I would love to." I said with a smile.

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