Darth Vader

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This chapter includes sad stuff, talk about stress, talk about being overworked, feeling suicidal, etc.
If those things bother you, I recommend skipping this chapter.

If those things bother you, I recommend skipping this chapter

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1138 words


I woke up from a nightmare, crying.
I quickly got up and put my uniform on.

I left the room, feeling emotionally beaten

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I left the room, feeling emotionally beaten.
I had been very stressed recently, but didn't want to tell anyone, because then it would get worse with all their questions.
I had nightmares every night, and I never felt calm or safe...

I arrived at the training area.
I trained my troops for a few hours.
"Fall out and go to lunch." I said to them, marking notes on my clipboard.

I sat down on a bench, trying to calm myself down. This job was breaking me down slowly, I was extremely overworked and tired.
I walked to the mess hall and grabbed my lunch, walking back to the training area with it.

I ate alone, I'd normally sit with the other generals, but recently I just wanted to be alone.
A robotic breathing neared me.
I sat in a formal position, since a higher rank entered the room.

"General L/n, are you alright?" Darth Vader asked.
"Yes, I am fine. But I have to get back to training my troops." I said, saluting Darth Vader and walking back to my troops.
Darth Vader watched me walk away.

Once I finished my work for the day, I went back to my room.
I sat on my bed, crying.
I heard a knock on my door.
I didn't respond, I just cried into my hands.

My door was opened by someone using the force.
My mind blocked out any and all noise that was near me. All I could think about was how much I wanted to die.

My bed dipped as someone sat next to me.
I turned my head see who it was, my eyes widened when I saw Darth Vader.
I was about to move to a formal position since he was in the room, but he halted me by putting his hand on my shoulder.

"General L/n, are you alright..?" He asked, worry lacing his voice.
"Yes, I'm fine." I said, holding back a sob.
His hand moved to my head, I felt what I assumed was the force flowing through me.

He was searching my mind for why I was stressed and upset.
I wanted to push his hand off my head, but he would probably be mad at me for doing that, so I didn't.

His hand pulled away and a quiet gasp escaped his mouth.
His arms carefully wrapped around me, which shocked me.
Darth Vader was comforting me... I was a higher rank, but we rarely interacted.

I barely knew anything about him, and here he was, comforting me.
He never did this to anyone, so I was mostly confused.
"Lord Vader, why are you doing this..?" I questioned, a sob almost escaping as I spoke.

"Don't worry about that, for now, just let it out." He said. I let out the sob I been holding back, he rubbed my back as I cried.
Normally, I always felt anxious in Darth Vaders presence, but I felt... calm... I felt calm for the first time in a while.

Darth Vader gently moved me to lay down, my head was on his lap. He moved the blanket on top of me. His hand stroked my hair as I fell asleep.
I was dreaming of a peaceful life, a life without war, without conflict, just a peaceful life.

"Y/n!" A voice called out.
I went to find the voice, this was the start of all my nightmares. I always heard a voice call for me, I always followed it, and I always had nightmares.

I followed the voice to a door.
I cautiously opened the door, feeling shocked when I saw my older sister, Padme.
She seemed calm and happy

I felt confused, there was no nightmare.
It was a dream...
A good dream...

I woke up in a room that wasn't my own.
I saw sith relics all around the room.
Wait... is this Darth Vaders room?! I asked myself.

It definitely was.

I saw the dark lord himself, he was asleep standing up in some machine.
Why does he have a bed if he doesn't sleep in it?
I questioned.
I realized I didn't have any clothing to change into here.

I just stayed in the bed until Darth Vader woke up.
"Thank you for yesterday." I said with a smile.
"Of course, general, I have also decided that you will have a break for three months on a planet of your choice." He said.

"That is very generous of you to offer, but I have to train my troops, and I don't have clothing that isn't uniform." I said.

"Both of those things can be fixed. Your troops will be trained under another general until you return, and I can buy you some clothing."

My eyes widened at the last part.
"Thank you for the offer, but I'm afraid I cannot let you buy my clothing." I said.

"Why is that?"
"I can afford it myself, you don't have to buy it."
"Well I'm going to be with you so-"
"You're going to be with me?! What if the rebels attack?! Or a Jedi arrives?!" I exclaimed.

"All of those things will be handled." He said.
"I can't say no, can I?" I chuckled.
"No you cannot, you get to choose the planet though." He said.

"How about my home planet-"
"Naboo?" He questioned.
"Yes, but why do you know my birth planet?" I asked.
He went silent.

"Naboo will work." He said, avoiding my gaze.
I chuckled and looked up at him.
"Quick question, what am I supposed to wear to go back to my room for clothing?"

Darth Vader had no clothing due to his suit.
"That is a good question." He mumbled.
"I'll send a trooper to bring an outfit here." He said, struggling to get his cape on.
"You realize what the trooper is gonna think we did, right?" I questioned.

"What do you mean?"
"You're asking a trooper to bring clothing to a girl in your bed." I awkwardly said.
"Oh... right..." he mumbled, still struggling to get his cape on.

I stood up and attached his cape to his suit.
He thanked me and held my hand.
"Are you alright with staying here until you get clothing?"
I nodded my head and gave him a hug.

"Have a good day." I said to him as he left the room, he thanked me and closed the door.
I sat on his bed and looked around.

"He better not forget about the clothing and get me stuck here." I mumbled to myself.

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