Obi-Wan Kenobi

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Obi Wan Kenobi

Y/n Starkiller

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Y/n Starkiller

(Add a robe to it though)

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(Add a robe to it though)

In this timeline, Anakin never was a burnt chicken nugget. He stayed his normal self but only grew more evil and angry.

"Kenobi!" I yelled, getting his attention.
"Yes Y/n?"
"Can we talk in private... please?" I asked.
He nodded and led us to a balcony.
"I uh... I've been feeling something we Jedi aren't supposed to feel... it's love... I'm grown attached to you in a way I'm not allowed to... I just want to know what to do..." I mumbled shamefully.
"Y/n.. you know we can't do this. It's against the Jedi code. But for the record, I do feel the same. But we can't do anything about it." He said as he hurried away from me.

That was the last conversation we had before order 66...

I sighed as I was held captive in a cell that Darth Vader made. It was fully force proof and practically a prison cell. I heard my door open and I was handed a tray of food. I ate the food and felt some tears sliding down my face.
I've been stuck here for months, I lost hope that I would ever be saved.

I couldn't believe that my own friend would do this to me. Let alone keep me here for months.
My door opened and the one person I didn't want to step in, stepped in. I looked up at the sith eyes of my old friend.
"Anakin. Why are you doing this?!" I exclaimed.
"You are very powerful with the force, if you joined us, we would be unstoppable."
"I'll never join you!"
"That's why I'm doing this."

I pushed my anger away and ignored him.
He had a dark smirk on his face. He shut the door with us inside and sat next to me.
"I miss the real Anakin Skywalker." I spoke with a few tears.
"The real Anakin is dead. He was weak."
"Just get out. If all you are going to do is bother me, then just leave me alone."

I felt a Jedi presence board the ship, Darth Vader seemed to sense as well.
"Take the girl to solitary confinement. Make sure she doesn't leave." He said to a group of troopers. Two of them came in and grabbed my arms, forcing me to walk in that direction.

Once we were alone in a hallway. I slammed them into the halls, making them unconscious.
I smirked and ran back to my cell and found a small box on the front.

Confiscated items

I grabbed my weapons and such, a smirk gracing my face as I held my lightsaber once more.
I then ran in a random direction. I had no clue where I was going so I figured I would try making it to the bay. Slight issue is that I didn't know where that was.

I ran into a group of troopers and killed them all in a single slice. I continued running until I found someone I didn't want to see. I immediately started running in the opposite direction. Anakin chased me. He was always more athletic than me so this wasn't going to end well. I was quickly running out of stamina while Anakin seemed to have a lot more energy left.

Turn to the left. A voice ran in my head.

And so I did, I had nothing to lose. As quickly as I turned, a hand grabbed my arm and put me behind them. I couldn't see who it was due to the cloak covering their whole body, but I trusted this person already.
They picked me up and ran with me. Even while running with a person in their arms, they were faster than Anakin. It was quite impressive since Anakin was very fast.

They entered the bay and set us in a ship, quickly closing the hatch and going into hyperspace. Within seconds we were fully out of their reach.
I was shaking, It was pretty cold but I also just was rescued by some Jedi.
"T-Thank you for saving me." I stuttered, trying to find some way to warm up.
The person who saved me handed me their cloak, I thanked them and put it on, only them did I see their face.

"Obi-Wan..?" I mumbled, backing up slightly.
He stepped closer to me, his chest touching mine.
"Why did you... why did you help me?" I asked.
Instead of answering vocally, he put his hands on my face and pulled me close.
"What are you-"
"You talk too much." He said as he pressed his lips against mine.
My eyes widened but quickly closed.
The only thing I felt was pure happiness.

But it didn't last forever.
I pulled away and made distance.
"No... this isn't right... the code-"
"There is no code anymore. Not for that at least. After what happened to Anakin, they allowed love." He spoke.
I pushed away from him and sat down, trying to take everything in.

"What happened to everyone..?"
"Well, you were taken during order 66 as prisoner but you know that, I hid away on Tatooine, Padm-"
"How is Padme currently?" I asked, smiling. Padme was my best friend, I was one of the few people who knew she was pregnant.
"Y/n... she... I'll tell you another time, for now we should just be happy." He said.

It worried me a little, but there was no way I could convince him to tell me. He sat down next to me and smiled at me. I looked at his neatly done hair and his tidy facial hair. He certainly has grown since I saw him last. He was also quite a bit taller than I remember. His hand went onto my waist and pulled me onto his lap, making me straddle him. His lips were about to touch mine.
"Are you alright with this..? I got lost in the moment earlier and I don't want to make you uncomfortab-"

I cut him off by gently pecking his lips. He smirked and crashed his lips against mine. Who would've known that the most mature, responsible, gentle, and careful guy, was not as gentle when it came to kissing and such.

My lips are going to be numb by the end of this.

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