Chapter Thirty-Eight: Onward

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When Cat and Danny find me, I'm curled up next to the river, shuddering.

They try to get me to tell them what happened, but I can't get my voice to work. I can't get anything to work.

Danny gathers the bags Charlie abandoned while Cat gathers me in her arms.

She hoists me up and her warmth only makes me shiver more.

She trudges through the snow until Danny finds a cave. They settle me down and Cat sets to getting a fire started.

I still can't speak. I curl up on the floor while Danny tries to dry me off.

He wants me to change into dry clothes, but I can't bring myself to move.

He drapes his sweatshirt over me with a sigh and joins Cat at the entrance of the cave.

Cat glances back at me and elbows him in the ribs.

He shakes his head.

She sighs and rolls her eyes. She comes to my side and nudges me with her foot. "I'm going to go find some berries for dinner. You going to be okay here? Daniel will look after you."

I pull an arm over my head and tuck my knees into my chest.

She sighs louder. "Alright. Die of hypothermia. See if I care." She stomps off.

For a few minutes, there's silence.

Then Danny shuffles towards me and plops down beside me close enough I can smell his pine needle and faint cinnamon scent.

Or maybe it's his hoodie on me.

He puts his hand on my arm, pressing his fingers in lightly. "Raven-."

"I lost her."

He runs a hand down his face and looks out the mouth of the cave. His breaths come ragged and wheezy.

The snow is coming harder than before.

I only hope Cat doesn't get lost out there.

"It wasn't your fault."

"You don't even know what happened."

"No," he agrees, "but I know Ava wouldn't blame you. Whatever happened, she knew what she was doing."

I push myself up. "Really? Did she? Because she said her visions have been quiet! She couldn't have known what would happen to her when she grabbed that damn gem."

Danny squeezes my arm. "Hey, she's going to be alright."

I slam my fist into the stone next to me and it cracks.

Danny glances at it, then holds my gaze steady.

"Charlie doesn't think she will be," I rasp.

He sets his jaw. "Charlie doesn't know everything, Raven. And if he thinks you're going to let Ava die, he certainly doesn't know you well enough. She's going to be alright and I know that because I know there is nothing that will stop you from saving her. She's your sister, Raven. You won't stop until she's okay."

I look at my hand and swipe the stone dust off my knuckles. "Are you sure that's a good thing?" I whisper.

He frowns. "What do you mean?"

I close my eyes, squeezing my hands together. "I made Charlie vow to save her no matter the cost. He could die," I choke on the words. I bow my head. "He could die because I couldn't protect her. Because I valued her life over his. She means everything to me, Danny... But I don't want to lose Charlie either. He's my friend. He's one of my best friends. And I just... tossed him aside."

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