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                          Song of the chapter
                   Cruel summer- Taylor swift

"Wake up!!!" Luca yells hitting me with a pillow,
"We're almost there" .
" God ok I'm up" I say. I'm in the backseat, my legs sprawled out over the other two seats. I collect myself and sit straight up. Looking out the window I see the ocean, I love it here. I love this drive it's like coming home after being away for a really, really long time. I check my phone, two messages, one from belly and one from Jeremiah. I open his first,
You almost here?
Yes literally a minute away. I type slowly before I reread it then hit send.

I've been coming to Cousins since forever. I've also been friends with Jeremiah fisher since forever. I'm like belly in a way with that. She's In love with conrad and I sort of tolerate his brother. Belly's message! I open my phone and look at the text. Jeremiah's gonna go crazy over you this summer.
Oh my god Belly stop it.
Belly has this thing where she ships Jeremiah and me. I think it's because ever since we were little Susanna told us that one of us or both were destined for her boys. I just know it will belly and Connie. No doubt. Me? Absolutely fucking not.

"We're here," my mom says cheerfully as she pulls into the driveway. I put my phone done and step out the car. I smooth my wrinkled shirt and look up and see Jeremiah fisher hugging my mother. As soon as he lets go of her his eyes turn to me.
"Look who came back all grown up," he says smiling. I run to him laughing. He picks me up and swings me around.
"Jere put me down," I say trying to tug away from his grip. Just as he lets go belly's car arrives.
"Belly!" I scream and run at her into her arms.
" Sophie!" She says as we let go of each other. I look around and see conrad coming out from the back yard. I look at belly with a smirk on my face.
She slaps my arm then goes over to talk to him. I look around to see who I haven't talked too. My eyes land on Susannah.

" Susannah hiiiiii!" I say running up to her.
"Sophie" she says excitedly. Her hugs are always the best. After a few more hugs and greetings I hear Jeremiah and Steven call for a bellyflop. A bellyflop is a tradition us kids have, it basically signifies the start of summer. I immediately turn around and see all the boys running after Belly. I follow them into the back yard and watch as they toss her in the pool. I'm right at the edge of the pool laughing when I feel someone behind me, and suddenly I'm in the pool.
"Jeremiah! That's not funny" I say.
"Actually it's hilarious" Luca replies.
"Guys I hurt my ankle" belly says and holds her hand up for one of guys to help her out. Conrad's grabs it and then belly yanks her arm back, dragging conrad into the pool. By now I've already hoisted myself out. I sneak up behind Luca and Jeremiah who are both losing their shit laughing and shove them both into the water.
After that's finished I walk over to where Belly is and help her out.

We walk into the kitchen dripping water everywhere. The moms are unpacking everything and talking.
"Sophie you're getting water on the floor come on" my mom says to me.
" Elle it's fine" Susanna says
Belly sits down at the island but I want to go to our room.
"I'm going upstairs bells" I tell her
"Ok I'll be up in a minute"
"Ok," I reply.

Our room is always the same, baby blue walls, soft white pillows, and of course junior mint. Junior mint's the bear that conrad won belly a few years ago. It's sweet how conrad treats her, it's always been different than how he acts with the rest of us. Belly doesn't see it but I do.
" I can't believe she still has that thing" a voice says from behind me. I turn around and see Jeremiah sitting on the bed.
"I can" I reply and sit on the bed next him, tossing junior mint down onto a pillow. Jeremiah grabs him and plays with his glasses.
"He's kinda cute" He says as he criss crosses the bears arms.
"Anyway wanna go swimming?" He asks. I suddenly get a little nervous, I don't know why I've gone swimming with him hundreds of times. So why not?
"Pretty pleaseeee" Jeremiah says frowning and holding the junior mint in his arms.
"Sure" I answer then throw a pillow at his face. "But don't every do that again"
"Ok great meet me downstairs" Jeremiah says standing up
"And don't take too long" and with that he's out of the room. I walk over and shut the door. Now what should I wear? I go to my set of drawers in belly and i's shared wardrobe. I find a simple black one piece with the back cut pretty low. I decide this one's the best. I change, grab a towel then head downstairs.

"Hey" I say walking to stand next to Jeremiah.
"Hey" he replies. The sand is warm and soft under my feet I love this walk. I love everything about this place.
"So how was your school year? You excited to be a senior?" I ask
"School was good for the most part and yes I'm very excited to be a senior"
"Good" I say just as the path ends and we're at the beach.
"Race?" Jeremiah says looking down at me. He's gotten much taller since I last saw him.
"No I can't your too tall now" and once I finish my sentence I set off running to the ocean, dropping my towel down behind me.
"Hey!" Jere says running after me. The waters cold but the feelings comforting. Jeremiah who has now caught up to me, grabs my waist and shoves me under the water.  When I'm up again I splash him and attempt to pull him under too but he's too strong now and dunks me under again. We go back and forth for a while before we realize it's almost time for dinner.
"Race?" I ask him. Then sprint off towards the house.
"Sophie I'm gonna kill you" he says from behind me.

That's the way I loved you ~Jeremiah Fisher~Where stories live. Discover now