Not The One

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                             Song of the chapter
                          The Man - Taylor Swift

"Ocean blue eyes looking in mine" I sing while applying another layer of mascara. "I feel like I might sink and drown and die"
"It's ironic you're singing about Jere while getting ready for a date with another boy" Belly says stepping out of the bathroom, and drying her hair with a towel.
"Can you please get off of that twisted fantasy of yours" I say adjusting my curls and slipping on my converse. "Also you need to hurry up it's 6:30 and you're barely ready"
"I'm trying okay and fine I'll stop, for now," She says while she gets dressed. I roll my eyes and go downstairs. I walk into the living room where the boys are playing video games. Jeremiah turns around to look at me.
"Wow you look hot," He says standing up. He then grabs my hand and spins me around.
"Thank you" I reply and walk to sit on a lounge chair. After playing on my phone for about twenty minutes I get a text from ben that says

"You look really pretty," Ben says when I get in the car.
"Thank you," I say. "Here's your sweatshirt back, I know you said keep it but it's a nice shirt" I say handing it to him.
"Thanks" He replies smiling. "You ready to go?"
"Yeah let's go" I answer and he pulls out of the driveway.

~Ding~ my phone buzzes with a text. It's from belly.
Did you leave already?
Yeah we just got there. You?
Almost there
We pull into a spot kinda far in the back. A few minutes later Cam and belly pull in behind us. The movies this old black and white film that stars Audrey Hepburn. We sit quietly for a little until I feel a hand moving up my thigh. I look over at him but his eyes are on my chest. The top I'm wearing, a yellow tank top, is a bit revealing. I didn't do that on purpose I just didn't realize it until now. He moves closer to me until our faces are almost touching. Our eyes meet for a second before I lean in more. His lips are soft but the kiss isn't gentle. His hand moves off my thigh and onto my shoulder. I put a hand on his neck and began to play with his hair. His fingers started to move the strap of my shirt and his other hand starts to pull off my top.
"Stop" I say moving away from him.
"What?" Ben asks looking annoyed
"I'm not gonna have sex you in your car at a drive in," I reply. I don't want to have sex with him at all. It's only the first date. Ben puts his hand on my waist.
"Then let's get out of here," He says his eyes looking down.
"No, I don't want to sleep with you. I just met you" I say taking his arm off me. Now he looks very annoyed.
"Bitch" He says. "You're a fucking slut that's the only reason I asked you here"
"You don't even know me, like at all" I say. What is this man on?
"I can see how you dress and how you act around those boys you live with. You're obviously a whore you probably don't even want to fuck me because your embarrassed of being passed around. I should've never wasted my time with an ugly ass bitch like you," He says. I don't know what to say to that so I just get out the car. I can feel my eyes water when I slam the door. I hate when people yell at me. Especially men.

I planned to talk to Belly and see if I could ride with her and Cam but I see Jeremiah's car pulled up next to Cam. Belly is out of the car yelling at Steven and Jere who are sitting in the front of the car, Conrad in the back.
"Sophie, what are you doing where's Ben?" She asks when she notices me standing there.
"I'll tell you when you get home ok just enjoy your date," I tell her quietly. I turn to the Jere and say,
"Hey, can you take me home,"
He looks concerned.
"Please" I whisper.
"Yes of course get in," He says softly. I get into the backseat next to Conrad.
"What happened?" Steven asks once we get to a road. My eyes have dried now and my mind is clear.
"Not much, Bens just a bitch" I say. I can see Jeremiah looking at me through the rearview mirror. I remember what I'm wearing and suddenly become very self-conscious. I look around for anything I can use to cover myself. I find a white lifeguarding t-shirt on the floor beside me. I'm guessing it's Jeremiahs.
"Jere can I wear this I'm cold," I say holding up the shirt.
"Yeah" He answers.
"Where's Luca?" I ask. "Wasn't he with you guys at the book party?"
"Yeah he was but he wanted to stay back" Jeremiah says. He's still taking glances back at me. One time I catch him and we lock eyes for a little before he had to look away.

"Are you ok?" I hear a voice say. I'm laying on my bed facing away from the door. I'm not upset because of what Ben said I'm upset I let myself think me and him could work out. I feel someone sit on the bed. I sit up and turn to see Jeremiah next to me.
"Yeah I'm fine" I answer. He looks worried.
"You sure?" He asks.
"Yes, all that happened was him screaming at me because I didn't want to sleep with him" I say moving to face Jere.
"That sucks I know you don't like being yelled at" He answers. "Remember that time my dad went absolutely ballistic at us because we get kool aid all over the kitchen?"
"Yeah that was so fun," I say sarcastically.
"Totally" He laughs.
"Oh, do you want your shirt back? I forgot" I say then begin to take it off.
"No it's fine I don't need it," Jeremiah says then grabs my hand and lowers it. I look up at him, has he always had nice eyes?
"Sophie?" Belly says as she opens the door to our room. My head snaps up to her face and I gently pull my hand away from Jeremiah. I can see Belly's eyes turn to Jere. I give her a stern look and stand up.
"Thanks for driving me home but I'm tired so see you tomorrow, good night," I say to him. He nods and takes the hint it's time for him to go and leaves the room. I turn back to belly and say,
"Don't say a word."

That's the way I loved you ~Jeremiah Fisher~Where stories live. Discover now