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                         Song of the chapter
              Treacherous - Taylor swift

We all drive down to a small cove and strip our clothes. Taylor and Belly immediately get into the water while Gigi, Nicole, and I are taking our time. A text dings from someone's phone. Nicole grabs it to read it and her expression drops as she passes to phone to Gigi.

"Let's go, get their clothes," Gigi says putting the phone in my hand. I read the text quickly. Conrad, to belly, on her phone. They grab Taylor and bells clothes and head for their car.

"Wait stop!" I yell,

"Are you coming or not?" Nicole says. "She kissed Jeremiah and now she's after Conrad, she is not on our side."

"I can't do that to her. Give me the clothes." I say.

"No," Nicole says coldly, and with that, she drives off. Taylor and Belly notice the headlights.

"What's going on?" belly asks reaching onto the wooden deck and reading her phone. I'm just standing there awkwardly.

"Oh no," She says quietly.

"Bells where are our clothes?" Taylor says, then she looks at me. "Why didn't you stop them?"

"I tried," I said. I am not happy with either of them but I can't not help.

"I'll call someone," I say reaching for my phone. Who do I call?

"Call Jeremiah," Taylor says.

"No I'm calling luca"

Unfortunately, he does not answer and after two calls I'm left with no options. I grit my teeth as I hit call. He answers almost immediately.

"Sophie why are you calling me, are you ok?" He sounds worried.

"I'm fine. Nicole took belly and Taylor's clothes while they were skinnydipping and now we are stranded with no ride. Can you pick them up" I say flatly even though my heart fluttered at the sound of his voice.

"Ok of course drop a pin, I'll there soon," He says. I hang up without saying goodbye.

I sit on the deck and wait. It's quiet until belly says,

"Sophie I'm sorry"

I look up from my lap.

"You are one of my best friends and what I did was not right. You know how Conrad messes with my he-"

I cut her off.

"You shouldn't have used Jeremiah to cope with the fact Conrad can't make up his mind. "

"I know but it's just so hard to deal with him sometimes. I had to do something" She replies.

"So you dealt with it by hooking up with his brother?" I say.

"But-" she starts until the lights of a red jeep pull up. As well as a black SUV. Is that Conrad's car? Both the brothers get out of their vehicles.

"Why are you here?" Taylor shoots at Conrad. He holds up a bag.

"I have your clothes," he says quietly. "Nicole talked to me"

I take them from him and toss the bag to the girls in the water.

"Turn around," I say and the two boys quickly spin. Once they are finished and up we have to decide who's driving home with who.

"Taylor and I will go to with Conrad" Belly says. Everyone looks a little shocked. She is really trying to make things right between us because I know this is killing her. I nod and walk towards Jeremiah's car.

We both get in and drive off.

"Sophie, why'd you call me?" He asked.

"I tried to call Luca and he didn't answer and I knew that Belly didn't want Conrad. So you were the only option." I say looking out the window. He pulls off to the side of the road.

"I don't want us to be like this. I shouldn't have kissed belly. She shouldn't have kissed me. I don't want her I want you. Please" He says. I look at him.

"I don't know what to say. I would never do something like that. I wouldn't go kiss Conrad or Steven" I reply holding eye contact.

"I know you wouldn't." He said. I don't know if I want to be mad at him anymore. He looks too nice in the soft blue lighting.

"Because I'm just better than you" I lean in and kiss him. It's a short gentle exchange. I pull away and look at him. He smiles and turns forward. As we drive home I can barely wipe the grin off my face.

Later that night after I shower I decide to go to the living room and watch a movie. As I'm picking through my choices I hear someone come up behind me.

"Can I watch with you?" Jeremiah says walking around the couch and sitting next to me.

"We'll you're already here" I reply. He puts my around me and I lean my head on his shoulder. I'm comfortable and in my head I'm thinking I can forgive and forget what happened between him and belly. It didn't mean anything to them right?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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