Pretty Boy

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                            Song of the chapter
                        Gorgeous - Taylor Swift

It's been twelve days since Belly's birthday. It's also been twelve days since I've talked to Jeremiah. The most contact we've had is a few shared glances and having to clean up together after dinner. I haven't tried to reach out. Neither has he. I feel like I messed up everything but I don't know how. I'm still texting Ben and meeting up with him, nothing serious but I do it to distract myself. I know it's not ok that I'm leading him on like this but it's not like he cares all that much. But today is the Fourth of July. So I'm forgetting everything and just having fun.

"You two look so cute!!" Our moms and Susannah say when Belly and I walk downstairs. We're wearing matching gingham dresses. Mine's blue and Bellys is red. I go and sit down at the table. I choose the end chair, the one farthest from Jeremiah. I pour some cereal and begin eating.
"Hey are you wearing makeup," Susannah says to laurel inspecting her face.
"No no," Laurel says swatting Susannah away.
"Ah, she is!" Steven says.
"It's definitely not because John's coming down"
"Come on the husbands always come down for the fourth" Laurel says while cutting fruit
"He's not your husband anymore," Belly says.
"Oh yeah oops!" Laurel says laughing.
"I can't believe you invited dads girlfriend" Steven groans.
"Oh uh speaking of dads," Susannah says looking at Jeremiah. I keep my focus on Susannah. "Yours called, He's stuck in London"
"What, Dads not coming?" Jeremiah says. He sounds sad. I can't help it my eyes flash over to him. "I had a great firework show this year"
"We can video it," Susannah says.
"It's not the same" Jeremiah sighs. He moves to sit straight forward. Our eyes meet.
"Yo did you get the lighter fluid," Conrad says to Jeremiah as he walks in. He turns his head up to look at him and says,
"Yeah it's on the beach already"
"Cool" Conrad says then walks out. I stand up.
"I'm gonna set up outside," I say as I leave.

"Soph you need to talk to him," Belly says as we carry food outside.
"I don't really know what to say" I tell her. "Like he started it"
"You sound like a child" Belly says.
"But it's true!" I say.
"Off the topic of Jeremiah, how are you and Conrad"
"Good? I think. He was nice to me earlier when we were making the bed and-" Belly starts but laurel comes outside.
"Belly your dad is almost here," She says.
"Ok, I'm coming," Belly says. I can tell she's nervous about seeing her dad and his girlfriend so I grab her hand, give her a reassuring smile and pull her inside.
"Yo that could be their future stepmom," Conrad says. All of the kids are standing at the front door.
"Don't say that!" Steven says slapping his arm. John and his girlfriend began walking up the steps.
"Go Go Go Go" Belly and Steven yell. I began running with the boys to the kitchen. I wasn't paying attention very well because once I'm on the tile I slip and grab onto the person closest to me. Jeremiah. When I realize I'm holding on to his arm my eyes widen and let myself fall to the ground. I can feel his eyes on me. I can't look up or move. He puts his hand down to help me up. Should I take it? Yes.
"Sorry," I say quietly as lift myself up. I'm standing now and our hands are still together. At this point, Conrad and Luca are staring at us.
"Hey everyone!" Susannah says walking into the kitchen with Laurel, John, his girlfriend, My mom, and the Conklin children. Jeremiah and I move away from each other quickly but not quickly enough. Belly looks absolutely ecstatic about the situation. I walk behind her and pinch her shoulder.

"What are you making?" I ask Johns girlfriend, who's name I learned is Victoria.
"Pomegranate margaritas" She answers. I stand next to belly and watch her mix the ingredients. Jeremiah is sitting a few feet away from me.
"Can I have some?" Belly asks Victoria when she finishes.
"Your parents cool with that?" Victoria asks.
"Yeah totally" Belly says.
"Ok, I'm going to carry these ones out can you bring those?" She says. Belly nods and once Victoria is out of the door she takes a long sip of one of the Margaritas.
"How Is it?" I ask.
"Strong?" Jeremiah says.
"That is so good!" Belly says handing me the glass. I taste a bit before I fully drink it. It is good.
"That is amazing," I exclaim.
"Let me try" Jeremiah says. I hand him the glass and feel our hands brush against each other.
"I'm gonna carry this one outside," I say grabbing the other drink and leaving the room.
"Here you go" I say to my mom giving her the glass. When I get back to the kitchen I see Conrad and Belly standing at the counter making something. So I have no other choice but to sit down next to Jeremiah. After watching for a minute it appears their making more margaritas but with kool aid powder in it.
"Let's not have another kool aid dabocle" Conrad laughs while putting his hand on the blender top. I can feel Jeremiahs eyes on me. I keep my focus on Conrad.
"Keep your hand on it!" Belly says laughing putting her on top of Conrad's. This is one of the first times I've seen him smile this summer. Belly has that effect on people.
"You know what I miss?" Conrad says. "Laurel was always being able to put him in his place"
"She would just be like 'Adam!'" He says in a deep voice. We began laughing until we hear Laurel say from behind us.
"Hey everyone" Adam says walking into the kitchen. Jeremiah jumps out of his chair and hugs his father. Conrad on the other hand looks absolutely crushed. Suddenly the doorbell rings. It's the debs I assume. Steven runs to get  the door. A few minutes later Gigi, Steven, Shayla, and Nicole walk into the kitchen. Jeremiah stands up and puts his arm around Gigi.
"Let's go to the beach" I say sitting up and going outside.

The boys are playing corn hole and us girls are dancing. Well the rest are, I'm sitting on the sand downing my fourth margarita. I notice Belly's drinking a lot too but I decide to say anything.
"Come on Soph dance with me!" Belly says holding her arms out.
"No" I say.
"Please" She whines. She's not gonna stop until I give in. So I stand up and say,
"Yay!" Belly squeals. She grabs both my hands and we begin spinning each other in circles. After a while we both fall to the ground laughing. I notice Jeremiah staring at our group. At Gigi.
I look at my knees.
"Want another drink?" Nicole asks everyone holding the pitcher.
"Yes please," I tell her and she hands me a glass. I finish the drink quickly and then lay down, looking up at the sky. My mind started getting blurry at drink number three but now I'm almost completely wasted. I don't care though I wanted this. I can unwillingly forget everything for a while. My hands are cupping sand and then letting it fall through my fingers.
"You guys ready to go?" Conrad asks the group.
There's a unanimous yes and we all start packing up. On our way out I drink two more Margaritas then take a long sip from a bottle of vodka some one brought. Now I'm completely gone. Perfect.

"Hey sweetie" My mom says as I walk into the house. The debs and Cam left for some reason. Im kinda upset because I wanted to someone to see my fireworks but at least dad is here.
"Can you put these towels up in the guest bathroom?" My mom asks. I nod, take them from her hands and begin walking upstairs. I turn into the hall and see Sophie sitting against the wall. What the fuck is she doing? I move in front of her and look down at her.
"What are you doing?" I ask.
"Sitting down" She says. That's the first thing she's said to me in a week.
"Belly's in our room and I can't sleep in there" She continues. She's talking slowly and messily. She's drunk.
"Ok come here" I say holding my arms out and pulling her up.
"You can stay in my room" I say , guiding her to the door. Once we get in my room I set her on my bed. She flops down and immediately passes out. I stand and look at her. She's gorgeous, even right now. But I know that tomorrow morning she'll still be mad at me and think I'm mad at her. I flick off the light and leave the room.

I creep up the stairs and into my room. I see Sophie still asleep on my bed. I don't want to turn on my light and wake her up so I open my phone flashlight. I walk over to my dresser and began pulling out clothes that I can sleep in. As I'm getting dressed I hear a voice behind me say,
"What are you doing"
"Getting dressed" I answer turning around. She's looking directly at me. I get flustered and turn back around. I can hear her stand up.
"You're really pretty you know," Sophie says walking up to me.
"What?" I laugh.
"What, you are I've also thought so" She said placing her fist on my chest. Her hand is cold against my skin. I look down at her. Neither of us speaks until I say,
"You're drunk," and lower her hand. I then put her back in the bed and cover her with a blanket. I turn to leave when I hear her say,
"Yes?" I answer back. I love when she says my name it sounds so much better coming from her.
"Stay, I don't like the dark," Sophie says.
"Ok" I say quietly. I slide in next to her and lie down. She moves closer to me and cuddles up on my chest.

That's the way I loved you ~Jeremiah Fisher~Where stories live. Discover now