The kiss

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Song of the chapter
Back Stabber - Ke$ha

"Wake up" Someone whispers in my ear. My eyes flutter open and I see Jeremiah. Jeremiah?! What the hell. I sit up and look around at my surroundings. I'm in his room, in his bed, laying very close to him. No way I got so drunk I slept with him. Or did I? Would I be mad if I did?
"Did anything happen last night?" I ask him. "Like between us?" I continue
"Oh uh no no" He answers. He looks shocked I even asked that. "You were drunk and sitting in the middle of the hallway. Belly was in your bed so I brought you to my room,"
"Oh ok, thanks," I say. Why do I feel disappointed?
"Sophie?" Jeremiah asks.
"Yes?" I respond.
"Would you have been mad if something did happen between us?" He says. My breath gets caught in my throat. I know the answer but do I want to say it?
"No," I whisper, I'm not even sure he heard me.

I turn on the shower and step in. I wash my hair first and then my body. I move slowly and make sure every part of me was clean. I turn off the water and get out. I put on brown jean shorts and a tan fitted crop top. I walk downstairs and into the kitchen. I see Belly, Jeremiah, Conrad, and Luca at the table. I sit down in-between Jeremiah and belly.
"Where's Steven?" I ask as I pour cereal.
"With Shayla," My brother says. I nod.
My phone dings. A text from Ben pops up on my screen. Why does this always happen when I'm near Jeremiah? I turn away from him before opening it.
Ok I'll pick you up at twelve
The text reads. Earlier today I had said I wanted to meet up with him. Not because I wanted him but because I want to stop seeing him. Maybe after today Jeremiah and I could have something. Maybe. And Ben just messes stuff up. Once I finish my food I look at my phone clock it's eleven fifty. I stand up go upstairs to grab my sunglasses and put on some mango lip balm. I walk past Jeremiah's door and see him sitting on his bed. I go to my room and grab my stuff then go to stand In his doorway.
"Hi" I say happily.
"Hey" He replies with a smile. He looks me up and down.
"Where y'a going?" He asks me. I plop my sunglasses on my head.
"Out," I say. I don't want to tell where I'm going yet. I'll tell him when I get home. Maybe I'll even say more. But right now I need to get Ben out of the way. He'll be happy right? He hated Ben. My phone buzzes.
I run down the stairs.

"So you don't want to be with me anymore?" Ben says.
"Yes." I say calmly. I don't want to him mad.
"You were never gonna sleep with me were you? You lied." Ben says, his voice getting harsher.
"I did not. I said maybe. Plus it's only been two weeks it's not like we were serious," I respond
"Whatever," He says. "I gave you a second chance and you blew it,"
I scoff and say,
"Ben take me home,"
The car ride is quiet but inside I'm bursting from joy. We pull into the driveway and I get out without saying another word. I walk in the front door.
"Jeremiah?" I yell. He should be home.
"Bells?" I say while walking around the house. I know Luca and Steven are with Shayla and her friends, and The moms are grocery shopping. Conrad should be home too. Did I forget if they were busy? My heads killing me. I walk to the kitchen to get medicine. I see Conrad sitting at the island.
"Hey Connie," I say as I grab two  ibuprofens and take them with some water. "Have you seen Belly or Jeremiah?,"
"Uh I don't know I'm looking for belly too," He says.
"They might be outside I haven't looked there," I say. "Wanna come?"
He nods and we walk out to the backyard. I take another sip of the Ice water in my hand and say,
"Belly? Jeremia-"
Until I see them. My best friend and Jeremiah fisher kissing. I drop my glass. I look over to Conrad quickly he looks shocked and a little sad.
"S-sorry" I say. Their eyes flash to me and they pull apart. Closing my eyes, I run back inside. I sprint up the stairs and into Lucas's room. I scan his room for my car keys. I find them on his dresser. I grab them and dash to my car. I hear Belly calling my name as I close the front door. I start my jeep and just start driving. Why?

Its been three hours and I'm heading home. I found myself at the mall. I'm pretty sure I spent like six hundred dollar just shopping to distract myself. I turn into the driveway, park my car, grab my bags, and go inside. I walk slowly and quietly so one hears me. I wonder if Conrad's still here. I creep up the stairs and into my mothers room. I decided I'll sleep In here for now or at least until I can figure out what just happened. I'm sitting on the bed scrolling through my phone until I hear footsteps outside and a knock on the door.
"Sophie?" Jeremiah's voice says. I sit up. After a few seconds of quiet he opens the door. We share a long painful glance before I walk past him and run to the bathroom. Once I'm there I lock myself in and turn on the shower. I sit down infront of the door and begin to cry. A few minutes pass before I knock on the bathroom door.
"Sophie," Belly says.
"Please we just want to talk to you," Jeremiah adds. I take a deep breath in before speaking so they can't tell I was crying.
"Leave me alone," I tell them harshly.

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