Summer nights

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Song of the chapter
That Way- Tate McRae

It's dinner now and I'm seated next to Taylor at the table. Cam is eating with his tonight since it's Bellys birthday. Susannah made a lobster dinner but laurel made something else for Cam since doesn't eat meat.
"Here I made it with no meat because Belly told me you're a vegetarian," Laurel says handing him a dish.
"You're a vegetarian?" Jeremiah asks
"Yeah I don't really like meat," Cam says. "Also I like animals"
"You know Belly eats meat," Jeremiah says. "So you let her kiss you with those lips?"
Belly kicks him under the table.
"Ow," He whines.
"Oh, I don't mind it. Actually," Cam says then leans in and gives Belly a quick kiss.
"Ewww" All the boys, minus Conrad, exclaim.
"Hey, belly is allowed to kiss," Laurel says. "But that's all"
"Mom!" Belly says.
"I'm sorry I can't get over the fact that anyone would want to date someone who once fully shat in the bathtub," Steven says.
"I was like two!" Belly yells.
"Yeah more like six," Steven says
"Aw, I remember that, feels like forever ago," Susannah says.
"I remember last year when you and you," Taylor says pointing to Conrad and Jeremiah. "Dared them" She pointed to Steven and Luca. "To pee in the fireplace and it stunk up the whole house"
"I blamed the neighbor's cat!" Susanna exclaims.
"We were drunk!" My brother says.
"Yeah on like half a white claw," I say. Everyone but the boys laugh. Jeremiah looks at me then says,
"Hey did you text ben back yet?"
So he did read the text. I look at him and kick his knee.
"What?" He says in a mocking voice.
"Yes, I did" I answer.
"So what, are you going date him now?" He asks.
I can feel the tension in the room growing.
"Why do you even care? You shouldn't have been reading my texts,"I answer
"Am I not the one who drove you home crying from your date with him?" Jeremiah says.
"Jeremiah!" Susannah yells.

"I cannot believe Jere tonight," I say adjusting the flower crown on my head.
"He's jealous," Taylor says.
"Taylor shut up," I say, "He's not jealous he's just an asshole"
"If you say so" Belly says from the front seat. We're in Cam's car on our way to Nicole's party. We soon pull into a spot in front of the house.
"We are hot ass bitches" Taylor says as we walk up to the door. I open it and walk-in. I scan the room for anyone I may know. I see Jeremiah on the couch with some guy and Conrads downing a beer, of course.
"I'm going to get a drink," I tell the girls then walk into the kitchen. I grab a solo cub and pour a glass full of Pink Whitney. I go back into the living room and see Jere and that guy kissing. I don't know why but it irks me so I go over to Conrad.
"Hey," I say
"Hey," He says lowering his bottle. "Are you old enough to be drinking?"
"Are you?" I say.
"Fair point" He smiles
"What's up with you this summer?" I ask him. His expression falls.
"Nothing" He replies. I can sense this conversation is over so I decided to look for Belly. I find her on a couch next to Cam. I sit beside her and lay my head on her shoulder. I scroll through Instagram for a little before I get a text from Ben.
Come upstairs
I had told him I'd talk to him. I was planning on telling him to fuck off but now that it's happening I'm not sure. I stand up.
"Where are you going?" Belly asks.
"Bathroom," I say. As I'm walking Jeremiah passes me we make eye contact before he turns away and goes to talk to Belly.

At the top of the stairs, Ben is standing outside of a bedroom.
"Hey," He says opening the door and walking in. I follow.
"Hey" I say sitting on the bed. "What do you wanna talk about"
"I just wanted to say I feel really bad about what happened," He starts. "I'm just not used to being rejected, I know that's not an excuse I just wanted to explain"
"It's fine" I say. Fuck it. I wanted this summer to be different so why not do something fun. "You know Summer flings are cool too"
"So you do want to sleep with me?" He asks. I lean closer to him.
"Maybe. Just not right now let's take It slow and see how it goes" I say then I put my hand on his neck and kiss him. At this moment I felt powerful like I was in control. I also knew it would piss off Jeremiah. What. Why was I thinking of Jeremiah? I move to deepen the kiss and he places his hands on my waist. Suddenly the door bursts open. I jump away from Ben. Belly was standing in the doorway.
"Sorry," She says then pulls the door closed. She looked upset.
"Sorry I have to go" I say as I stand up. I run down the stairs and look around the house for a bit before I go outside. On the porch, I see Conrad, Jeremiah, and Steven playing beer pong.
"Wheres belly?" I ask them they all look at me weirdly.
"She uh left with Cam," Conrad says.
"So you were with Ben huh," Jeremiah says. It's clear he's drunk.
"Yes," I say crossing my arms.
"Your lipsticks smudged" He says lifting his hand to my lips.
"Jeremiah stop," I say smacking his hand. He then moves to fix the strap of my dress that fell off my shoulder. I don't even remember how that happened.
"Stop it!" I yell.
"Come on man quit you're drunk," Steven says. I turn and walk inside. I see Ben coming down the stairs.
"Can you drive me home?" I ask him. "My ride left"
"Yeah sure," He says. He's so much nicer now. I don't know if I'm entirely I'm ok with him taking me home but I have no other choice. We walk past the boys and I hear Jeremiah say,
"Aw cute" In a mocking tone. I stop walking.
"Jeremiah Shut up," I say coldly.
"Ok just don't come crying to me when he yells at you again," Jeremiah says. Wow. The silence is loud.
"Let's go," I say to Ben then start walking again. The drive is spent quietly. Once I get home I run up to my room, flop right into Belly's arms, and begin to cry.

After I while I look up and notice she's crying too.
"What's wrong," I ask her.
"I caught Taylor with Steven and we got into a fight," She says sniffling a little.
"Oh bells I'm sorry," I say. I just noticed Taylor isn't here. I guess she's still at the party.
"What's up with you? Ben?" She asks. I sit up. I don't know what's wrong. That's a lie. I do.
"Jeremiah," I say quietly. "He's been a bitch ever since he read that message,"
"Are upset because you like Ben?" She says. "Or..?"
I know what she means but I don't wanna say it. I hate to admit it but Bellys been right this whole time. I like Jeremiah.

That's the way I loved you ~Jeremiah Fisher~Where stories live. Discover now