Hurricane Taylor

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                          Song of the chapter
                      Traitor - Olivia Rodrigo
"Are you ever gonna talk to them again?" Luca asks me while he puts on his  volley ball shirt. Him and I are doing the volleyball tournament together. It was supposed to be Belly and I and Jeremiah and him. But since I haven't said a word to either of them since the fifth of July and now it's the fifteenth. Ten days. I've spent twenty two days of this summer not talking to the boy I like.
"I don't know and I don't care," I say looking at myself in the mirror and adjusting my outfit, black spandex, and a blue volley tournament shirt. It has 'Team Summers' on the back. Summers is our last name.
"But Belly's your best friend and so is Jeremiah. They need you," Luca says. He's a really good brother despite being an asshole sometimes.
"They'll be fine. Belly has Taylor and Jeremiah doesn't need me," I say. I wish he did though.
"Sophie-" He starts before I cut him off.
"Stop it. Let's just focus on winning today ok," I say beginning to walk downstairs. Once I get there I see Jeremiah and Belly talking as she puts a powder into her water bottle. They see me and Belly turns away but Jeremiah keeps his eyes on me until I'm out of the room. I feel a knot forming in my stomach. No. I tell myself I can't let him get into my head.

The car ride to the tournament is quiet. I'm with my mom, Luca and Conrad. I don't know how Conrad feels about the kiss. He hasn't shown any reaction towards it since that day. He's meeting Nicole so I guess that's good.
Once we get there Luca and I start warming up as Susannah begins her speech. I see Taylor and Belly little bit away from us. Taylor shoots me a mean look. I give her one back. I know Belly forgave Taylor for kissing Steven but I still don't like her much.
Soon my team is called out into the sandy court and we begin playing. Luca is team captain on his volleyball team and I'm junior captain on mine so we aren't bad. We easily beat everyone until it was down to four teams. Luca and I, Shayla and Steven, Belly and Jeremiah, and two other girls who I dont know much about except they're good. Belly and Jeremiah are playing them first. It was originally Taylor and Belly but Taylor sprained her ankle.
I'm not paying attention to the game until Belly calls for a time-out and pulls Conrad in to be her teammate. I guess they made up? I make a mental note to ask him or Luca about that later. Jeremiah walks off and stands next to me. I'm alone because Luca's off with Steven.
"You sucked," I say not even turning to look at him. I don't know if he actually sucked, I wasn't watching but I assume.
"You weren't even watching," He scoffs then walks over to Taylor, who now seems to be walking fine.
The games go on and Bellys team beats the girls and Shayla and Steven so now it's my team against hers.
Everything is going fine until Luca goes for a dive and hurts his wrist. He sits on the sand and holds his arm. Steven goes and helps him off the court and as they hobble away Luca says,
"Hey Jere sub in for me please,"
I watch them swap shirts and then Jeremiah is next to me on the sand. He looks over at me with a happy look on his face. Across from us Belly and Conrad do a little handshake then get ready to play.
This round was much harder than the rest and Jeremiah isn't as good as my brother but he's good. We're tied and the clocks are about to run out when I serve the ball and it goes back to Belly. She about to hit it when she stops for a moment.I think only I noticed because it was quick. She then jumps for the ball and misses. She could have gotten that I think then it hits me.
She let me win.
"We won!!," Jeremiah says knocking me back into reality. He then hugs me really really tightly and spins me around.
"Yeah I know!!" I say when he puts me down. I still have my arms around his neck.
"You don't suck that bad actually," I say when someone runs up to us and hands me a trophy. I pull away and take the trophy. I see our moms coming over to us as well.
"I'm so proud of you guys," Susannah says smiling. I turn around to look for Belly, she's still on the other side of the court. She gives me a knowing nod and smile. I look around a little more and see Luca wink at me and give me a thumbs up with his "hurt" wrist. This was all on purpose. But I wasn't mad.

"Hey Sophie," Nicole says from behind. I turn around.
"Congrats on winning," She says. "You and Jere are a great team," I don't think she knows what happened.
"Yeah, thanks," I reply
"Also do you want come to a little get together im having tonight? Belly and Taylor will be there too" She asks. Ok, she definitely doesn't know. I think about my answer.
"Sure why not," I answer. I love Nicole and summer's almost over so hanging with her will be fun, even if Belly and Taylor will be there.

I step out of the shower and into my moms room. I've moved all my stuff into here by now so I don't have to worry about seeing Belly. I put on grey sweat shorts and a Brown university hoodie. I slip on some new balances and walk out to my car. I know Taylor and Belly haven't left yet so I hurry up so I don't I see them.
Once I get there I wave to Nicole and climb into the boat. It's huge. I move to sit next to Nicole and another girls name I don't know. There's a soft fleece blanket near me that I pull over me. The sun is almost setting and the sky is a gorgeous pinky orange. I pull out my phone to take a few pictures when I hear Nicole say,
"Taylor Belly you came!"
I stay facing forward.

The girls are playing but a finger down and I'm playing too but I'm kinda zoned out. The game is being dominated by Taylor. I can barely hear anything she saying until she says this,
"Put a finger down if you've had a hot make-out session with Jeremiah Fisher,"
I look over at them. Taylor gives me a sly smile and Belly slowly puts a finger down. I notice that Gigi looks crushed.
"I'm sorry Gigi," Belly says. I laugh a little. I think she heard me because she turns towards me and mouths
"You know I'm sorry"
"No I don't" I mouth back. Nicole who probably senses the tension says,
"Put a finger down if you've ever been skinny dipping"
"Is that a dare?" Taylor laughs.

That's the way I loved you ~Jeremiah Fisher~Where stories live. Discover now