The bonfire

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                              Song for the chapter
                          Enchanted - Taylor Swift

"This taste great Susanna", Laurel exclaims.
"Yeah it's great", My mom agrees. The food is great Susanna's an amazing cook. I notice that Susanna look excited like she's about to say something important. Turns out she is.
" I have something very special for belly and Sophie" She says, pulling out two envelopes from under the table.
"You two are going to be debutants" She says happily while handing us the paper.
"So that's why you had to go the country club" laurel says. I turn the paper over in my hand. A debutant ball?
"So what do you girls think?" Susanna asks us.
"Oh um I don't-" I began to say but Steven Interrupts me.
"Belly? My sister? A deb? Absolutely not." He says laughing.
"I can't even imagine sophie in a white dress looking nice and proper sounds impossible to be honest" Luca says high-fiving Steven.
"You two are so dumb" I reply "Susanna I would love to do it, sounds fun"
"I expected a yes from Sophie but belly? Im not sure it's not really her thing" Laurel says.
"She's our feral little alley cat" she says playing with belly's hair.
"Alley cat" Jeremiah scoffs under his breath. I make eye contact with him then kick his knee under the table.
"Ow" he says
"Shut up" I say back. Belly looks at me with a smile then laughs. I can feel my face turning red, I hate when she does this. It's not that I like Jeremiah but I get flustered easily and she knows that.
" You shut up too" I whisper and hit her side.

Later that night im up on our bed when belly walks in.
"Wanna go to a bonfire tonight?"
"What?" I ask
"Yeah today at the gas station a guy invited me and the boys are going. We weren't invited of course" she says
"Of course, I'd love to go, but what about the moms"
" I already told them we're tired and going to bed"
"Perfect" I say giving her a high five.
"What should I wear? Also conrad and I were talking in the pool"
"What?! Belly you should have started with that" I say while I'm going through my clothes trying to find an outfit. I decide on Jean shorts and a tight white crop top.
"Sorry but anyway it felt different" belly says as she puts on a small pink dress.
"Good different?" I ask just as I finish putting my hair into two braids with a few curls out in the front.
"Yeah pretty good then jere and our brothers walked out and they left" she replies, putting in her shoes.
"Dumbasses" I say after finishing lacing my white converse. Once we're both done getting ready we quietly creep downstairs and out the front door. I feel bad that we missed movie night but we have all summer. While we're walking down to the beach I notice I've never seen belly wear anything like that dress.
"Hey bells where'd you get that dress?" I ask
" Taylor put it in my bag" she says
"Oh it's cute" I answer.
"You nervous?" Belly asks.
"Yeah definitely" I say tightening the grip of my arms around my mid drift.

We walk in silence for a little before we're finally at the part of the beach the party's at.
"Hey gas station girl" a guy calls out to us.
"Hey" says belly. I stand there and look him up and down, he's ok, looks a bit old though.
"Here take my beer" He says handing the drink to her.
"Oh no thank you" She replies
"No really Insist" he says
"No, oh uh Steven!" Belly calls as she spots her brother. He's walking with a girl. He notices us and walk over, he does not look happy.
"What are you two doing here" he asks
"I invited them" the guy from before says " who are you?"
"Im her brother" Steven says pointing to belly."She's fifteen you pedo"
"Almost sixteen" belly interjects.
"My bad" the guy says and walks away.
"You need to leave" Steven says grabbing belly's arm.
"Steven stop it!" Belly yells. Those two always manage to start a fight with eachother. I'm walking a few feet away from the two I bump into Luca.
"Ah Im sorry, oh wait it's you" I say
"Yeah it's me what are doing here"
"Belly and I wanted to come so we did"
"Ok um anyway can you hold these until the end of the night" he says holding out car keys, my car keys.
"Luca! Why'd you take my car"
"I was driving this girl I met earlier and didn't want to ride with jere and them"
"You could have asked me you seriously need to stop taking it"
"Sorry sorry but can you hold onto these until we leave because you know me, I lose things"
"Fine" I say grabbing my keys out of his hand and shoving them into my pocket. I look over to my right and see belly on my ground. Oh ok. I walk over to her and pull her up. She brushes the sand off herself then turns away and flips off Steven.
"Fuck you!" She yells. I look at her blankly. She's quite good at embarrassing us.
"You guys came!" I hear Jeremiah say. I look over and see him walking towards us. Once he reaches us he throws his arm over my shoulder.
"For the record I am glad you two are here now we can hang out" he says smiling. I turn over to belly who's looking at conrad, who's looking at her. He's with a girl and their sitting very close. Poor bells. My attention is turned back to Jeremiah because he pulls one of braids.
"Stop it" I say slipping out from his grip.
"You're no fun" he says frowning. I smile at him then grab belly's hand and walk away. I look back and see he went back to the two girls he was talking too. I stare for a little too long and realize he's looking at me too. Our eyes meet for a second before I snap my head back.

I'm sitting next to belly playing in sand when two boys walk up to us. One sits next to belly and one sits next to me. The one next to me has fluffy brown hair and brown eyes. He's not ugly.
"Hey" He says, "I'm Ben"
"Hi" I reply, "I'm Sophie"
"Hi Sophie" he says with a slight smile. "I like your hair it's really pretty" Ben says reaching up to play with my curls. I let him.
"Thank you that's so nice" I reply
"Your really pretty too" he says bringing his hand down to rest next to mine. Ben and I talk for a little, it's fun he's easy to talk too.
"You look cold do you want my sweatshirt?" He asks his eyes clouded with a hint of concern.
"No I'm fine" I answer, "I am a little 
cold though"
"Here take it" Ben says handing me his blue Nike hoodie. I slip it on, it's really warm and smells good. Maybe Ben could be my summer boy? Just as I was thinking about how it could be I hear arguing from behind me. Ben and I stand up and see conrad fighting with the gas station guy. Before I can even say her name belly is running towards them.
"Sorry I got to go" I say to him and run off after her.
"Guys stop!" Belly screams. She gets a little to close to the guy and gets elbowed in the face.
"Belly!" Conrad yells taking a step towards her before he's stopped by the boy. I move to help her but the guy she was talking to is already down on the ground with her. I look around to see what I can do. Jere is in the middle stopping the fight and Ben is now standing next to me.
"You ok?" He asks. Just as I'm about to answer I hear sirens.
"Cops!" Someone screams and everyone starts running. I panic and look around, my eyes land on Jeremiah. He's helping Conrad walk straight. I debate on grabbing his hand and helping them but before I can Ben grabs my arm and we run.

I look around for Jeremiah's or my car in the parking lot. I find jeres first and go up to the passenger side looking to see if anyone was there. Somehow conrad and Jeremiah beat us there. Belly's there with her boy too who I now found out names cam.
"Sophie and belly get in the car" Jere says.
"Uh cam can drive me home" Belly says "Right Cam?"
"Yeah of course"
"No" Jere says sternly. While those two fight I turn to Ben who's still holding my hand. I let go and say,
"It was nice meeting you, I'll text you"
"I had a great time tonight bye" he says with a smile.
"Wait your hoodie"
"Nah keep it" he says then walks away. I turn back to the car smiling to myself. I walk infront of belly and get into the passager seat. They're still arguing.
"Belly just get the in the car" conrad says from the backseat.
"I think you should go" Cam says.
"Yeah, bye I'll see you tomorrow" belly says then gives him a small kiss.
"Go bells" I say under my breath. Belly finally gets into the back seat.
"Shit Steven!" Jeremiah yells. That reminds me.
"Luca!" I scream.
Jeremiah and I run out of the car the same time.
"Belly watch conrad I'll be right back" he says then runs off. I go around to find Luca I eventually find him with some girl I throw him the keys then start running back. Once I get to the truck I see a cop talking to belly though the window.

That's the way I loved you ~Jeremiah Fisher~Where stories live. Discover now