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Soon, it was time for Laney and me to leave.

As we walked out, Laney hugged her new friend and held my hand. Two minutes in, she was getting tired so I put her on my hip. We walked by the Curtis house and I heard yelling, laughing, and Mickey Mouse.

Of course, being me, I had to investigate.

I opened the door and everyone looked at me. Oh shit. Dallas was here.

"What the hell is that?" Dally said, pointing at Laney.

"Aunt Cassandra gave her to me. She said she's our sister." I shrugged. Dally looked blank at me.

"Okay. Just.. make sure it doesn't cry." Dally said, making a nasty look.

"Oh, Dallas," I said, sighing as I sat down with Laney on my side. She had fallen asleep and was snoring slightly.

Sodapop walked in. I looked up and saw him, he looked as if he had been crying. I got up, laying Laney down with her head on Dally's lap. Dally gasped before looking at her. He was beginning to like her.

"Soda? What's wrong?" I said, putting my hand on his arm.

"Sandy. She was never good to me. I should've realized that." He said before tears spilled out of his eyes.

I gave him a sad look and led him into his room. I sat down, while he laid down, his head on my shoulder. "Do you wanna talk about it?" I asked.

He nodded his head. "A few weeks ago, we messed around. Now she says she's pregnant and it's not even mine."

I nodded before sighing. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. "I'm sorry." Soda said. I looked down at him.

"For what?" I asked him. I knew what for. I just wanted him to say it out loud. Petty, I know. 

"Being with Sandy. I'm sorry, it was a lousy thing to do." He said, giving me an apologetic look.

"It's alright. I'm sorry for running out. I probably should've let you explain anyway." I said.



"I think I love you." He said, whispering into my shoulder. I smiled.

"I love you too," I said. He sat up straight. He smiled the biggest smile I have ever seen him smile.

Sodapop put his hand behind my neck and pulled me into a kiss. I kissed him back. It would've been perfect, except we pulled back quickly when we heard the door creak open. It was Laney.

"Can I sleep in here with you, sissy?" Laney said. I adored her new nickname for me. "Of course." I smiled.

Laney crawled into the bed and laid right on top of me, I had one hand on her back and the other holding Soda's hand.

"Who's this little cutie?" Soda asked, smiling as Laney snored slightly. She sure can fall asleep fast.

"This is Laney, she's my little sister," I said, smiling down at her. "I never knew you had any other siblings besides Dallas." Soda said looking at me.

"Yeah, well I didn't either until like an hour ago." I laughed a bit.

I stared at Sodapop in awe as I watched him smile at Laney. I knew he would make a great father one day. Soda looked up at me. "What are you doing?" he smiled, amused by me.

"Just thinking," I said, smiling back at him.
" 'Bout what?" He asked. "You. I think you'll make a good dad one day."

Sodapop smiled at me and kissed my cheek. "The only person I'm planning on having kids with is you," he said. I giggled and before I knew it the house was dead silent.

The only things you could hear were Laney's light snoring, trees brushing against the house, and crickets chirping outside.

I looked at Soda's clock, it was already 1:37 a.m. I decided I should go to sleep. I rolled over, Laney falling slightly in between me and Soda. I kissed her and Soda's head and fell asleep on my own.

I woke up and looked at Soda's clock, it read 9:22 a.m.

I looked at my surroundings and saw that Soda was looking at me sweetly, while I heard Laney's giggles in the living room. "Hiya, Soda!" I said happily.

"Sydney, I gotta tell you something," Sodapop said. I nodded and he began. I was a little nervous about what he was going to say if I'm honest.

He pulled me into him. "I'm so happy that you didn't leave me." he hesitated saying the rest. "After I had found out about Sandy and her being no good, I thought I wouldn't be able to get over it. But you're like a distraction, a permanent one I hope. You're my world, and I love you."

"I'm glad you see me that way. I care about you Sodapop. So so much. More than I've ever cared about anyone before. I'm always here for you. I love you too." I responded.

It makes me so happy that he cares for me like that. This boy does so much in my life, I've been friends with him ever since I was born, really. Mrs. Curtis would sometimes pick us all up from kindergarten; Darry, Dally, Soda, and me. She would sometimes bring Ponyboy along. Not too often though since he was so young.

"What I'm trying to say here is, I want to spend my life with you, as long as I can. Sydney Winston, will you please be my girl?" Sodapop asked.

Tears lined my eyes. I looked at him with so much love. "Yes Soda, I thought you wouldn't ever ask. I love you." I smiled at him and kissed his lips.

I slid out of bed and winked at Sodapop as I opened the door. This caused him to jump out of bed also and come find me.

Darry was in the middle of making breakfast, so I decided to help.

"Hey, Darry!" I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"Hey, kid. Mind flipping this egg while I get the milk?" Darry questioned. I nodded and took his place.

I attempted to flip the egg. I flipped it but when it hit the pan, grease popped and hit me right on the hand. "Ow! Fucking damn! Holy fucking shit bitch!" I exploded. I was one for using cuss words. I loved cuss words. Just how Ponyboy loves eggs.

If I could, I might even marry cuss words. Just write every cuss word in the book on paper and propose. We could go to Hawaii for our honeymoon. I would prefer the paper to identify as a girl though. Girls are nice to look at, I understand them better anyway.

"What happened?" Darry asked as he sat the milk on the table.

"That damn fucking grease fucking burnt me!" I complained while holding on to my hand.

Darry looked worriedly at me but that changed when he looked at my hand.

"Oh, God! That looks horrible." Darry said as he sat me down at the table. "Really?" I asked.

I looked at my hand, it was red and my skin was peeled a little. There was blood surrounding the red and a blister was starting to form.

Darry stood up and got honey out of a cupboard and a wet rag.

"The hell is honey gonna do for me?" I asked eagerly. "Oh, hush it up," Darry replied.

I rolled my eyes as Darry put honey on it. I winced. "This will take out the burn. My mom used to do it to herself when she got burnt by grease on the stove." Darry said. (i don't know if this works irl, so don't try it.)

As Darry rinsed off the honey on my hand underneath the faucet, he gave me the wet rag and instructed me to keep it in my hand. I huffed and sat down on the couch in the living room.

Two-bit laughed at me being tortured. "Shut the hell up, Two-bitch." I said, still obviously mad. Two-bit shut up as he saw I was not in the mood to mess around.

Sodapop saw me on the couch and went to ask Darry what happened. Like two minutes later he came back and sat down by me.

"No more cooking for you." Sodapop said laughing, but you could tell he was still worried.

"Yeah, yeah. Hush it up." I said rolling my eyes.

"I love you though." Soda said, giving me his best puppy dog eyes.

"I love you too, dimwit." 

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