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I opened the door to reveal Sodapop. He looked good. His hair wasn't greased as much, he was wearing a white button-up shirt with his favorite flannel over it, and he was wearing clean jeans.

"You look great, Sydney." Sodapop smiled. I blushed while he kissed my cheek. "Get on with it you crazy kids! Go!" Evie said, pushing us into her car. She gave Soda her keys and while winking she slipped him a box of.. what was that?

Oh my god. She gave us a box of Condoms.

"Evie! Don't give us that!" I screeched as Evie waved me off.

Sodapop laughed as he pulled out of the driveway.

"Where are we going?" I asked, looking out of the window. Soda looked at me, "That's a surprise." He said with a wink. I giggled before placing my hand on his knee.

Soon Sodapop pulled into a very expensive-looking place. I could tell it was on the Soc side.

My eyes went wide and Soda got out of the car, opened my door for me, and took my hand, leading me inside the building.

I looked around to see a chandelier on the ceiling, this must be very expensive. I can't believe he would do this for me.

A waitress came up to us to seat us. She led us to a booth that sat by the window, you could see all the cars passing.

"What can I get you guys started with tonight?"

"I'll have a water," I said, smiling at the waitress. "I'll have a Pepsi," Sodapop said as he picked up a menu. The waitress left. I gasped. "Soda, isn't that cannibalism?' I asked. It took him a minute to understand my joke but laughed. "You're one weird lady." He said. "Says the boy with the name of Sodapop," I say picking up my menu, trying to suppress a laugh.

"Sydney." Soda said looking at me while I sat the menu down to pay attention to him. "Yep?"

"I love you." He said as his hand made its way up to my cheek. "I love you too." I smiled. Soda pulled me in for a kiss. It was gentle, he didn't try to shove his tongue down my throat. It was soft and compassionate, yet had the right amount of lust in it at the same time.

We pulled apart and Soda smiled at me as the waitress came back. She sat our drinks down. "Do you know what y'all are wanting tonight?" She asked. Sodapop ordered this pasta that had the fancy stuff in it like spinach and Italian seasoning. I got plain spaghetti with huge meatballs.

While the waitress walked away, I thought that I should become vegan. Eh, too much work. Gotta have special stuff and can't eat meat. I don't eat meat that much, but I love bacon. I also love eggs. Eggs are life. That's something I and Ponyboy have in common. We love eggs.

"So, where are we going after this?" I asked Soda, who was taking a sip of his Pepsi. "Somewhere." He replied with a smirk. I rolled my eyes playfully and laughed.

Soon, we were done and Soda paid for the meal. We walked out to the car and got in. Soda drove until we were at a lake with a dock. The full moon reflected perfectly on the water while flowers floated carelessly near the shore.

"Wow... it's beautiful." I said, admiring the view. "Not as beautiful as you though," Soda said with a wink. I giggled as he pulled me onto the dock.

Hours passed and soon it was 10 O'clock. I was nearly asleep in Sodapop's arm before he gently shook me awake to we could go home.

He ushered me into the car and we drove home in comfortable silence, Soda's hand on my thigh and my hand on top of his.

We made it to Soda's house and as I tried to get out, Soda stopped me. "Sydney, I just want you to know you're my everything. I would do anything for you. I love you more than life itself." Sodapop said, kissing my lips gently. I smiled as tears brimmed my eyes and quickly got out so I didn't cry.

Sodapop held my hand as we walked inside his house. Of course, the whole gang was there. Evie came up to me quickly with a suggestive smirk.

"So, did you use them?'' She questioned slyly. "Ew, no Evie!" I whined. Evie shrugged, "Just lookin' out for ya." She giggled. I snickered as I sat down next to Steve on the floor, who was eating chocolate cake.

As Steve was watching T.V., I stole a chunk out of his cake. "HEY!" Steve yelled obnoxiously. I rolled my eyes and peacefully ate my cake, exaggerating my chewing so Steve got mad. He sighed as he paid attention to the T.V.

My eyes widened at the grand realization that it was Friday. "Hey! It's Friday, y'all!" I said, happily. Everybody around the room laughed at me. "Why do you say y'all? What are you, a southern Grandmother? You ain't, are you?" Ponyboy said looking at me amused. "What's wrong with y'all?" I said confused. "Hey, why do you say ain't? That's a weird word too!" I said with my eyebrow raised. "Not as weird as y'all." Pony said.

I scoffed. "I'm gonna go read a book." I sat running off to the kitchen. I have a stack of books in the corner of the kitchen. Don't ask why, I just do. "Who reads books?" Ponyboy asked. "Literally you do, Pony.." I said laughing. Laughter erupted from the room.

I picked out a book to read that I had read a million times before. Harry Potter and Chamber of Secrets. What? It's a great book!

I opened to chapter six, where Ron's mom had sent him a howler.


"What the hell was that all about?" Darry asked, laughing slightly. I shrugged. "It's Harry Potter. Ron stole his dad's enchanted car and crashed it into the Whomping Willow, which destroyed it. Ron got sent a howler and that's why Mrs. Weasley said all that. They had to steal the car because Dobby the Elf-" I said before I was cut off by Steve.

"Okay, okay. We don't care about elves and magic trees and Wesley people." Steve said. "Weasley," I mumbled and began reading my book again.

"Weasley, Wesley, weasel, weasel-bee. Same thing." Steve said, eating his cake again. "Okay, Draco," I said, rolling my eyes, and began reading, again.

Soon everybody had left and it was just the Curtis boys, and Johnny passed out on the couch again. I closed my book with droopy eyes and slowly walked to Sodapop's room. Ponyboy was sleeping in his room now so Soda had his room back.

I crawled into bed and Soda put his arm under my head, pulling me close. "Goodnight, love," Sodapop said before drifting off. "Goodnight." I smiled before falling asleep on my own. 

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