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I'm over eight and a half months pregnant now, I'm thirty-eight weeks. I swear I'm bigger than a whale. My due date is in two weeks. I am not ready to give birth. Today it'll just be me and the gang. Sodapop and I are going over to the Curtis house. It's odd to say that when Sodapop doesn't live there anymore. 

It's just Darry and Ponyboy. Two-bit is over there 24/7, and Ponyboy is usually over at Soda and I's house. I think Darry enjoys the alone time. That is when Two-bit isn't there. 

Johnny is living with Dallas now. Poor Johnny finally escaped his horrid parents. He also comes over to our house a lot. He mostly comes over when Dallas is drunk or isn't home. Dallas usually has girls over or is just really annoyed so Johnny doesn't want to bother him. That's when Johnny comes over. 

Currently, Johnny is at the Curtis house. Dallas said he would take Laney and himself to the Curtis house too because Laney was complaining about how Sodapop and I are awful drivers. She's a rude little child. 

"You look nice," Sodapop said. His arms wrapped around my hips and he held me into his chest, our bodies swayed side to side involuntarily. Our natural rhythm was in sync with each other. 

"I'm wearing your shirt and some tights." I laughed. My arms snaked up his and rested on his shoulders. Sodapop's thumb softly circled the spot on my waist where his arms were holding tight. 

"You still look mighty fine," he said, "what do you want to do today?" I shrugged, "probably just stay home. I haven't felt the best." I said before kissing him. 

I wondered my mind for ideas for today, "After we go to the Curtis house, I need to get groceries. We're running low on food. We can all go! Me, you, and the Gang." I smiled.

"That's perfect." He said, I looked up at him and his eyes looked deeply into mine. "I wish our parents could see us now." Sodapop commented, kissing me on my temple. 

I grinned at his words, I looked at the time. My eyes widened. "Soda, it's almost 1:00 p.m.!" I exclaimed loudly. We were supposed to be at the Curtis house at 1:30. 

Sodapop whined and rolled his eyes as I let go of him to go get ready. "Hurry up!" Soda yelled, "I'm taking Laney to Dally's." 

"Okay!" I yelled down the stairs. Dallas wasn't going, and I couldn't deal with Laney. I love her and all, but she is just too wild and reckless, just like Dal. 

I quickly put myself together and trotted downstairs where Sodapop was waiting for me. "Finally." He said with a dramatic sigh. "You're so stupid," I said while laughing and rolling my eyes. 

I grabbed the keys out of Sodapop's hand and walked out the door. "Hey?!" He yelled after me as I got into the drivers seat. "Oops." I say while I hold in my laugh. 

Soda rolls his eyes, but gets into the passenger seat. "So we go meet the gang, and then we go get groceries?' Soda asks. I nod my head. "That's boring." He complains. "Well I can't do much when I'm a beached whale!" I say. 

When I pull into the Curtis house, I can tell everyone is already there. "God, they are so loud." I joke. I can hear them yelling and laughing. 

I swing the door open, "Your queen has arrived!" I yell, getting the gang's attention. "You're still pregnant, too!" Evie laughs. "Sadly," I say as I hug her. 

Evie has kind of become part of the gang, whenever I'm around them, she is too. It doesn't bother me at all, she's my best friend. It's nice having another girl in the gang. 

"Will you guys please go grocery shopping with me and Soda? I need to get food, and I don't know what to do, like as a group." I begged. "I don't see why not," Darry said as he whipped his hands with a dish rag. 

I smiled, "I told you they would come!" I said to Soda. "I never said they wouldn't," Sodapop said, kissing me. "Alright! That's enough, I've said this once, and I'll say it again! Sodapop, stop sucking her like a bloodsucker." Two-bit yelled dramatically, throwing his hands in the air. 

Sodapop rolled his eyes and went to what used to be his room. Now it was Ponyboy's.

I sat down and talked to Steve and Evie as Sodapop beckoned Ponyboy to come out of his room. "We should play a board game," I suggested. "Like what?" Johnny asked from the opposite side of the room. 

"Let's play Life," I said. That's the only game I'm good at. The gang shrugged, I walked over to the closet in the hallway and got the board game. 

I brought it into the kitchen where the gang gathered. I began to position the pieces and everybody snagged their little cars and people. I was left with a green car and I got out a little pink person. 

After playing the game for around fifteen minutes, I was far ahead of everybody else. Except I had a husband and a car full of children. "I swear before I retire I'm going to be having to get another car to place my kids in," I complained. 

"Not me though, I'm partying and have no kids or responsibilities," Two-bit said as he zoomed his car four spots and down a bridge. "That's exactly how you are in real life too, Two-bit. And the only reason that is is that you're still in college because you keep missing your turn!" I yelled, laughing. 

I spun the little wheel and I got a nine. "Yes!" I yelled, and I pushed my car to the retirement home. "In your faces, you little bitches!" I screamed. "You must have cheated!" Two-bit yelled. 

"No, you just suck dick at this game," I said nonchalantly. Two-bit rolled his eyes. I had a horrible sharp pain in my stomach as I went to get up, and it caused me to sit back down abruptly. "Holy shit!" I said, holding on to the table. 

"Are you okay, Sydney?" Sodapop asked, he was the first one to my aid, even though he was across the room. "Yeah... that was the worst Braxton hicks contraction ever," I said as I tried to gain my breath back. 

"Are you sure it was just a Braxton hicks contraction?" Evie asked. I nodded, "I mean I'm not due for another two weeks, so yeah. Damn, that hurt so bad though." I complained. 

"It can't be that bad," Steve said as he stood up. I stood up along with him. "Excuse me?" I said, crossing my arms. "Well, lots of women have them. Some women don't even feel them." Steve said with a matter-of-fact attitude. 

"When did you become a doctor?" I said in a snarky voice. "I-" Steve was cut off by Dallas. "Come on, Sydney. I'm sure it didn't hurt that bad. Just go sit back down on the couch." Dallas said, and began to pick up the board game. 

"No uterus, no opinion." I said as I stuck my hand out to him, and walked away to go sit outside. 

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