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I'm five months pregnant, 24 weeks. We waited a little longer than needed to find out the gender of the babies, but Evie and the gang are coming with me to find the gender.

We have already all agreed that Evie, Dallas, and Sodapop will go in the room with me. The rest of the gang will wait outside.

My pregnancy bump is visible. I've gotten into the habit of rubbing it.

We had to split ourselves into two vehicles. Evie, Dallas, Sodapop, and I were in Evie's car. We left to rest to position themselves with Darry.

We got to my OB's office and Evie and I went to the receptionist. After doing that, we went to sit down in the lobby.

Steve and Two-bit were messing with the prosthetics of the uterus, cervix, and all sorts of other things.

"Is this what's inside of you?" Steve asked stupidly, pointing to twin babies inside of an outstretched uterus. "Yeah," I said, looking at a magazine with baby clothes.

"Hey, look at that!" Two-bit said, pointing to a replica of a vagina. "Will you two sit down? You're going to get us kicked out and I'll never know my baby's gender!" I yelled, aggravated with them.

They nodded out of embarrassment and sat back down. "Sydney Winston?" A lady called my name. The same lady as before.

"Hello, Ms. Sydney! How have you been, morning sickness, cravings?" the lady who I now knew as Dr. Burnham asked. "I had morning sickness for a while, but it is mostly gone now. I am always craving strawberry shortcake and dill pickles." I said nodding.

"Together?" The doctor asked, "Yeah." I said shyly. She just laughed. "I've heard worse." She said.

"Alright, today I've got you down for knowing the babies gender?" She asked. I nodded. "You would like these other three to stay?" She asked, pointing at Dallas, Evie, and Sodapop. "Yes ma'am," I said.

She put her little clipboard down and squirted the familiar jelly on my bump. A chill ran down my spine as she moved around the tool.

She squinted her eyes and pressed a little harder on my belly with her free hand. Her eyes lit up and she smiled. "Baby A looks like a boy!" She said, pointing between his little bitty legs. "It's so small." Dallas joked.

I hit his shoulder, "Dally, shut up." I said laughing. "I hope the other one is a girl!" I said under my breath.

"Well, you'll be glad to find out that baby B is a girl." Dr. Burnham said, smiling. "I've only had one pregnancy of twins be a boy and girl!"

"They are so cute! How big are they?" Evie asked, rubbing my shoulder. "They are as big as papaya! The boy weighs 1.3 lbs and the baby girl weighs 1.2lbs." The doctor explained.

"You have two papayas growing inside of you." Sodapop joked. "You should begin the feel them kick and move." Dr. Burnham said, wiping off the jelly.

I nodded my head and stood up, pulling my shirt down. Sodapop rested his hands on my belly from behind as he hugged me.

The nurse opened the door for us, "I expect to see you back here for your seventh-month checkup!" Dr. Burnham said. "We'll be here." I smiled.

All four of us walked back into the lobby, the gang waiting on us. Steve turned his head to us. "What are they?" He practically screamed. I laughed, "I'll tell you at the dingo, but Dallas, I want you to ride back with Darry, Johnny you're with us now." I said.

"What?" Dallas said, "I saw you looking at Dr. Burnham. She's like forty." I said, rolling my eyes. Dally grumbled but walked out to Darry's truck.

We all got into our respective vehicles, "Evie, take me to the cupcake shop across the street from 7/11." I said, buckling my seatbelt. "Now I see," Evie said, laughing, and started her red car.

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