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(This image is an educational picture of how twins are growing around 32 weeks pregnant)

It's been a full two months since the gang came over, and I'm still in my third trimester of pregnancy. I didn't really have morning sickness in early pregnancy or the middle, now that I'm in the late stages of pregnancy, it's gotten to me. And it's not just morning. It's all fucking day. 

I've also had to pee a lot more. I'm not sleeping well, and my ankles are swollen. Plus, my boobs are starting to fucking leak. But what else would I expect when I'm 32 weeks pregnant? 

The gang has come over a lot more often now to help me prepare for the two babies' arrival. When I tell you I'm scared. I fucking quaking in my boots. 

I've also been having Braxton Hicks Contractions. So that's fun. 

Sodapop has taken leave of work until a month after the babies are born, starting today. He's still getting paid, thankfully. Laney is living with us now, too. Dallas got an apartment at the complex across from us, so he comes over pretty often. 

I wake up to insane nausea. Sodapop's hand is wrapped around my waist. "Sodapop, Soda, I need to go to the bathroom." I shook Soda awake. Sodapop yawned and stretched his arms out, letting me go. 

I ran to that bathroom, immediately throwing up dinner last night and future breakfast. Sodapop already had a glass of water ready for me and a cold rag. He held back my hair and rubbed my back. 

After I was done I brushed my teeth and drank some of the water Soda had ready for me. "Thank you, Sodapop," I said while hugging him. We swayed side to side for a minute before the doorbell rang. 

I walked downstairs and opened the door to see Evie and Steve. "Evie!" I said excitedly. Evie brought me in for a hug. "You look glowing, must be the pregnancy glow," Evie said, kissing my cheek. 

"Yeah, well I feel like shit," I said laughing. Evie frowned, "Well, hopefully, what we have can cheer you up!" Evie smiled. "Oh?" I asked with amusement. 

Evie brought me to my couch. "Turn on a movie!" Evie said as she ran into my kitchen. I turned on the new 'Footloose.' Evie came back a minute later with popcorn in her hand and a sack. 

I went to the kitchen to grab tums and popped two in my mouth, hoping they would help with my acid reflex. I also took some Dramamine for nausea. 

I walked back to the couch. "Hey, you're waddling!" Steve teased. "Shut up," I said, knitting my eyebrows together. "It's alright, my penguin." Sodapop joked while sitting next to me. "I'm going to punch you the next time you talk about me waddling." I threatened. 

"Anyway, look at the present me and Steve brought you." Evie smiled at me. I took the sack from her and opened six little outfits altogether. One was a simple white onesie that said "I wasn't planned" written in blue, and "I wasn't planned either" written in pink on the other one. 

"That's funny," I laughed. I put the two outfits on my bump and looked at the other pair. Written in blue and gray, one of the onesies said "buy one," I looked at the other one. "Get one free," was written in pink and gray on the other one. 

"Evie, Steve, thank you. These are cute." I smiled, Steve was laughing his ass off because Sodapop was holding tears in from laughing. "You two are ridiculous," I said, rolling my eyes. "Agreed," Evie said, laughing and making me laugh. 

"There's another one, too," Evie said, pointing at two other onesies. I pulled them both out. "Mommy's boy, and Daddy's girl. That's so cute." I gushed, hugging Evie. I went upstairs to fold the baby clothes and put them into the nursery drawer. 

As I put them in the drawer, I look at all the baby clothes the gang has bought. Well, mostly being stolen by Two-bit. The babies' drawers are full of Mickey and Minnie Mouse. 

I walk back into the living and sit down by Evie and Soda. "You know, I think-" I was cut off by myself screaming. "What's wrong?" Evie, Sodapop, and Steve asked. "Braxton Hicks Contractions," I said, holding onto the couch. "I think that means you go to the hospital?" Steve said. 

"No, they're just mimicking contractions. I don't know why. Probably to just fucking torture me, but I'm not actually in labor. It happens pretty often, let's just continue watching the movie." I said, sinking back into my seat. 

"When is your due date?" Evie asked. "Uh, August 28th," I said, focusing back on the t.v. "Well, it's only June 30th," Evie said, looking at Sodapop and Steve. "Yeah, too early for these monsters to come out of me. Please, let's just watch Footloose. I'm fine honest." I begged.

This time they listened. I only had a contraction one more time throughout the movie. I didn't scream, but I did hold onto Sodapop's hand really hard. I'm kind of surprised he didn't scream. 

After the movie ended, Steve and Evie decided to leave. "Are you sure you're alright?" Sodapop asked as I began to make some mashed potatoes. "Yes, I'm fine. Will you please just give me the milk, onions, and pickles?" I asked. 

Sodapop gave me what I needed and went to go take a shower. I poured some milk into the mashed potatoes so it wasn't a weird texture. I left the fire on low and went to go cut my onions and pickles. 

I chopped up the onion and I chopped two pickles into little chunks. I scooped them all up and put them into my mash potatoes. Just as everything was finished and I scooped it into a bowl, Sodapop came out of the shower with his clothes on. 

"Clothes today?" I asked, recalling yesterday. He came out of the shower with a towel around his waist, and well, we did some sinful things. "Sorry, honey." He said as he kissed my forehead. 

"There's plain mashed potatoes with butter in the pan. I left out the best part, onions, and pickles." I said as he got himself a bowl. 

I got the A1 from the fridge and poured it on my potatoes. "You're disgusting," Sodapop said, crinkling his nose. "It's good!" I defended. "Yeah, you won't think it is when you're not pregnant anymore," Sodapop said. 

"Hey, Soda?" I asked sweetly. "What do you want me to get you now, Sydney?" Soda sighed. "Well, the babies are saying the was ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, will you go to Dally's and get me some? Pretty please?" I begged him and I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. 

Sodapop smiled and me, "Sure thing. I'll be back in a jiffy." Soda said. "Thank you!" I yelled as he walked out the door. 

Soda came back not even five minutes later with the ice cream and coke. "Dally told me to bring this coke too. He doesn't want you waking him up in the middle of the night wanting some coke." Sodapop explained what Dallas had told him. "Thank you, baby. The babies say thank you too." I giggled. 

"I love you," Sodapop said as I dug into my ice cream. "I love you too, Sodapop."

I knew then that no matter what I go through, what Sodapop and I go through, it'll all be okay. 

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