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I walked into the kitchen to make myself a glass of milk and a couple of eggs.

I began cooking the eggs as Darry came in. I plopped another two eggs into the pan for him.

Shortly after, the eggs were done. I gave Darry half and a piece of toast with butter, and I had my portion of the eggs.

"Thanks, Syd. You didn't have to do that." Darry said smiling at me. I kindly smiled back.

"You didn't make any for us??" Two-bit and Dally yelled in sync.

"NO! You both can starve for all I care! Make your own!" I yelled back. "Bitch." I heard Dally mumble.




"Stupid ass"



I gasped. "Dallas Tucker Winston! Don't use that language with me, young man!" I screeched in the highest voice I could muster.

Dallas covered his ears. "Then don't call me a fucker!" He said back. "Then don't call me a bitch!"

By now, Two-bit and Soda were laughing their asses off.

"I'm gonna go hunt for some action. Someone wanna come?" Dallas asked. "I will," I said.

"Oh, no the fuck you're not," Dallas said.

"Oh, yes the fuck I am," I said back.

"No, don't go Sydney! We have a date, remember!" Soda said with a wink. I caught on and continued his lie. "Oh, yeah! I don't want to go anymore with you, Dally." I said, wrapping my arms around his body, him doing the same. I could feel Soda's heartbeat and it was making me nervous.

"Oh, yes the fuck you are." He said dragging me out by the arm, Two-bit following.

"I didn't even get to finish my milk and eggs. Soda's going to scarf it up now." I said, pouting. "That's too damn bad."

I followed Two-bit and Dally to the dingo. Dallas gave so many stank eyes just on our way there that I thought by the end of the day, he would be stank-eye-less. So depressing for him, I guess.

We sat down in a booth, and the waiter guy came and he was flirting with me. He was kinda cute, to be honest, maybe if he wasn't such a huge dickhead.

The waiter gave us our drinks. "You think I could get your number?" He asked me, with a wink. I laughed, "I think this is a bit inappropriate for work, don't you think? Be a shame if I just had to report you."

The guy looked kinda shocked at my answer like no one had ever said no to him before. He walked away.

"By the way, pretty boy, the answer to getting my number, is a hard fucking no!" I yelled as he left. Heads turned my way, but I didn't care.

"I'm very proud of you, Sydney," Dally said, wiping fake tears away. Two-bit's face was as red as a baboon's ass, and he really was crying.

"Thank you, thank you very much," I said, giving them my best Elvis Presley impression. Now this made Two-bit about roll onto the floor.

A different waitress came and was eyeing Dallas and Two-bit. I knew this wasn't gonna end well.

She dropped off some napkins for up, we didn't even have food. It was just to get the boy's attention, "Hey, think we can go into the back?" The bitch asked, both of the boys at my table.

"Uh.." I looked at the lady's name tag. "Jennifer?" I said, getting the girl's attention. She looked down at me, already annoyed. "What?" She said in the most snob of a voice I ever heard.

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