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I woke up to the sunlight beaming on my face. I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach.

I saw Sodapop looking at me. "Hiya, pretty boy." I smiled, "What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"Well, I saw how good you are with Laney, and I was just thinking about our future." Soda stated. "Oh? What does this future have in it?" I asked, facing him.

"Well, we would live in the country where there are no socs and greasers, and the rest of the gang would live by us. We would have a great dane dog and a mutt. There would always be happiness in the air, and we would have six kids. Three boys and three girls. We would live in the biggest house and we would have so much money it wouldn't even be funny."

I smiled at Soda. "That's cute. But there's no way in hell I'm having six kids. I can barely imagine having one." I said, putting my head on his chest.

"Come on love birds! We're going to Jays!" Somebody yelled from the kitchen. "Be out in a second." Soda yelled back. I groaned again and walked to get a shirt. I'd be wearing pants from sleep because why not, and I would take one of Ponyboy's shirts because they fit better,

I quickly did my morning things and went out into the living room, where everybody was waiting. "Finally. I thought you went to Mexico." Darry said, grinning.

I rolled my eyes. "Is that my shirt?!" Pony yelled at me. "No.." I said, sprinting out the door into Darry's truck.

The gang came out and got in the truck. It was a tight squeeze, but I was happy because I got to sit in the truck bed with Sodapop. "Sydney Winston, don't you dare do anything back there. Sodapop, keep your mitts off my sister." Dallas threatened.

Sodapop seemed to take it seriously, but I was trying to hold back my laughter. "Dallas, get in the damn truck," I said. Dally rolled his eyes at me but got in the passenger seat. Darry was driving, Dallas was in the passenger seat, and Johnny, Ponyboy, Two-bit, and Steve were squished in the back while Soda and I had the truck bed.

"Sodapop, isn't this illegal?" I asked him with a questionable grin. "Yes, ma'am, but who's to say we don't already do illegal stuff?" Sodapop smiled at me and flashed one of his million-dollar smiles.

I raised my eyebrows and laughed while Darry pulled out of the driveway. Since we didn't have seatbelts, I had to hold on to Soda while he laughed at my scared face. "This is a little... scary," I said, looking at the road while Sodapop continued to laugh.

"Hey! Stop laughing!" I yelled, but this only made him laugh harder. "I'm serious, Soda. Cut it out!" Sodapop calmed down. Within five minutes of driving, we made it safely to Jays Diner.

Sodapop jumped out first and offered his hand to me. I decided I was going to be petty as a consequence of him laughing at me. I ignored his hand and jumped out on my own. Sodapop chuckled at me as I stumbled. I gave him a sharp look and turned away.

I opened the door and the bell chimed. We sat down at a booth close to the window, and a waiter came to us.

"What would y'all like?" Darry ordered first and then Dallas, Two-bit, Steve, Ponyboy, Johnny, and Sodapop.

"Now what would this mighty fine girl want?" The waiter asked. A new waiter. I thought.

"I'll have a hotdog and... a Pepsi," I said, looking blankly at him. He winked and walked away.

I shivered as I looked back at the gang, who were shooting daggers at the waiter. "Chill out guys. I can handle myself." I laughed, rolling my eyes. "Yeah, but that douche can't," Dallas said as Sodapop wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

"Hey, is that Sylvia?" I asked. Dal turned his head and gave a grimace. "Sure enough." I made a gagging noise and Dally laughed at me.

"That's the girl that two-timed him when he was in jail," I informed Sodapop like I was a gossiping 13-year-old girl. Soda laughed at me and said, "Oh my gosh. Why would she do that." In a voice similar to what I was using.

Dallas rolled his eyes.

Sylvia must have spotted me and Dallas because she was walking over on her high horse. "Hey, Dallas." She said with a suggestive smirk. I gagged at her. Sylvia turned to look at me, "Shut up, you whore." She said.

Dallas looked furious. "Hey, Sylvia-" I cut him off. "Listen, Sylvia. I don't know who you think you are, but talking to me like that will land you a comfy 6-foot hole. I suggest you walk away before I bash your head into our table." I threatened. Sylvia's eyes went wide and she walked away with a scoff.

"Disgusting fucking slut." I rolled my eyes. Two-bit and Steve were hollering, Dallas was snickering, Sodapop was looking proud, Ponyboy and Johnny looked at me wide-eyed, and Darry was holding back a smile.

"I'm so fucking proud of you, Sydney," Dally said, still laughing. "Well, she shouldn't be such a cock-sucker. Literally." I said as the waiter walked over with our food. "You never fail to entertain me, Skwid," Two-bit said, wiping away tears of laughter.

I flipped my hair playfully. The waiter sat down our food and I grabbed my hotdog and Pepsi, while the others grabbed theirs, Two-bit almost knocked over my Pepsi. "Chill out, you animals!" I laughed.

We stayed there until the diner was closed. Darry took me and Dallas back to bucks. I walked in and it felt as though beer and smoke had slapped my face.

I walked into the room I shared with Dally and went to the bathroom to change into shorts and a tank top.

I got into bed as Dallas walked in and sat where I was laying. "Do you think we'll ever get a house? I'm a little tired of living in this bar." I asked.

"We'll get out of here soon enough. I'm trying to save some money so we could buy a small house by the Curtis'." Dallas replied as he lay back. "That'd be nice." I smiled.

"Where's Laney?" I asked. "Oh, fuck. We left her at Two-bit house with his sister and mom." "You think she'll be alright there?"

"Yeah, she loves it there," Dallas said as he finally drifted to sleep. 

I woke up to the sound of a loud snore from Dallas. I looked at the time, and it was 9:42 a.m. I might as well go to the Curtis house. 

I left a note for Dallas and made my way to Sodapop's house. I was only going over there for him, but I'm sure it isn't a surprise. 

As I opened the front door, Ponyboy and Darry were in the kitchen. "Where's Sodapop?" I asked. "In his room. Go wake him up, will you?' Darry asked politely. I nodded and walked to his room. 

Sure enough, Sodapop was snuggled in his bed. "Sodapop, wake up. Darry and Pony are making breakfast!" I exclaimed. Soda opened his eyes. "Give me a kiss first." I rolled my eyes as he puckered his lips. 

I leaned down and kissed him on the lips and pulled away. "There, come on!" I said. Sodapop didn't respond, but kissed me deeply. 

I kissed back, and leaned into him. Sodapop's hands began at my waist, and then lead to my hair. Without realizing, we fell back onto the bed. In a few quick moments, Soda was on top of me. 

I didn't want to stop making out, so I pulled him close again. I heard the door creak open. "Come on, breakfast is ready- DARRY!?" Steve screamed. We hastily moved away from each other and I smoothed down my hair, as it was all crazy from Soda's hands being tangled in it. 

"What?" Darry asked as he came running in. I pretended to be shaking him awake as he yawned and stretched. 

"They- Darry! They were..." Steve stuttered. Sodapop and I looked at him in confusion. Steve gave up with a stumped look and walked away. "Come get breakfast." Darry said. 

The rest of the day consisted of jokes, and Steve trying to convince the gang that we were getting heated. They were skeptical but dropped it when Dallas said I wouldn't stoop that low for a guy. Boy, was he wrong. 

Me and Dallas went back to Bucks at about eleven at night. I fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow. 

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