Chapter 13

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As the bell rang students started piling into the room, some were laughing others were whispering but the second they looked into the room their smug faces stood shocked at the sight of Marinette sitting in the back of the class.

The Blunette quietly worked away ignoring their stunned faces as they took a seat, Miss Mendeleev watched intrigued to what had made a bunch of loud obnoxious teenagers go completely silent within the span of seconds.

"I suggest the lot of you start paying attention or else it's detention" she said in loudly snapping them back into reality. Marinette had known exactly what they had done. All she needed was for a teacher to see it before she saw it for the first time.

If Lila could play innocent, so could she. Class went on as normal and she was every so often catching her classmates glancing at her, all probably wondering if she had seen it or not.

She pretended not to notice, but it had hurt and the fact that they decided to do it on the day they knew specifically when Adrien and Kagmi wouldn't be here to do something.

As class ended students were all heading to their lockers and so were most of her classmates you could see the smug faces return to their faces.

Walking to her next class she saw students from all different classes stop and stare at her, they had probably seen what had happened, but Marinette had no intention of giving Lila a drop of satisfaction from this.

But in reality she had no idea what to do. Would she leave it or? She had to go to her locker sooner or later, she had textbooks in there. Taking a seat at the back for maths she tried to think of what to do.

In Gotham

Damian had come back from patrol later than he intended to but there was nothing he could poison ivy had gotten some new chemicals and had used them on her plants luckily none of them had gotten injured.

Walking up into the manor he looked through one of the windows and watched as the sun rose or at least as much of it you coils see through the dark sky's of Gotham.

Entering his room he grabbed his uniform and changed, collecting his textbooks from his desk. He slipped them into his bag and reached for his phone, Marinette had received his message.

Yet, it was left on opened so far from what he could tell she had never left him on opened longer than half an hour just delivered, had he done something wrong. When he spoke with Jon it was through a phone call and he would hang up when Jon started annoying him.

But this was different talking with her, it was pleasant she didn't ask about how you got a bruise or what it was like being the son of a billionaire or about how he used to be an assassin.

It was like an escape talking with her as she had no idea what was going on but, yet she still knew part of the truth at the same time. 

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