Chapter 20

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"Umm, wow, thank you Damian...that's really kind of you" Marinette spoke unsure of what to do or say next after his previous statement.

"I'm aware we hardly know each other and this may be uncomfortable for you, though I wish to help you. If you want that is" he stated though became almost shy like towards the end.

"I.. I've never really spoken out right about it before but it's been hard.." Marinette paused and she felt her eyes slowly well up "they..they hate me, all of them and the ones that don't are always so busy" she spoke sadness overtaking her voice.

Yet no tears fell, "your friends?" Damian asked, receiving a quiet 'yeah'. "Do they know they are being lied to?" he asked quietly

"I've told them so many times that they don't believe they didn't even listen the first time I said something they called me a liar" she spoke, her voice cracking, she looked up trying to blink back the tears.

"If they refuse to listen then that is on them, not you they will figure it out and if these lies are as bad as you say it will be on them not you." Damian spoke louder than before.

"I know, but they're throwing away so many opportunities because she tells them she can get the better nonexistent ones, I grew up with most of them. I don't want them to fail" her voice quivered towards the end.

No matter how hard she tried she still cared nothing could change that it wasn't possible she was a good person at heart and cared deeply about her friends and family she couldn't undo the trait with the press of an arrow.

"You do not need to feel sorry for them, they made their decision. Dwelling on what could have or would have will not change anything you clearly have tried to voice the truth if they have turned death to it. Then you have done all you can."

Damian's words seemed harsh, sure she had told them yet why did what he say sound accurate, sure she tried to warn them but was it all she could do right?

"I may not know the extent of the lies but repeating previous actions of honesty will not change one's mind overnight. You care about them, and they do not replicate this feeling towards you. Either she speaks the truth or you let them lie in the bed they built themself."

Damian wasn't wrong so Marinette did what any reasonable person would do instead of admit it.

She changed the subject.

"What are your friends like then?" she asked him after a few minutes of silence.

"I don't have friends" he responded,

"Should I be really listening to you then?" she questioned

"I have acquaintances."


"Why is that hard to believe?"

"Name one?"

Damian paused if he admitted this and one of his siblings heard him, he would never live this down.

"Jon" he whispered quietly though heard a hum of acknowledgement through the speaker.

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