Chapter 25

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It was finally term break, though holiday homework was a thing Marinette hadn't gained as much as she thought she would and was excited to sit back, relax, work on some designs, chat with Damian and help her parents in the bakery and hopefully see her grandmother.

Saying goodbye to both Adrien and Kagami she hugged them tight and wished them safe trips as they would leave one within hours and the other in even less than that.

Walking home she was quite surprised to see her mother alone in the bakery serving customers and students as they queued up.

"Hey sweetie, head upstairs, I'll join you in a bit" her mother spoke, shooing her up to the apartment, not even giving her the chance to offer to help.

Entering the familiar room she was met with her father and grandmother sitting at kitchen island happily talking about what she guessed as her latest adventure.

One second they were talking about her adventures in America, next think she knew her grandmother was handing her tickets with both their names on it to Gotham.

"Your serious" she said eyeing the tickets,

"Of course my little fairy, we're going on an adventure" she spoke, grinning at her reaction.

"Thank you, thank you. This is going to be so much" she stated hugging Gina tight

"I'm glad you're thrilled, my little fairy." she said, wrapping around her granddaughter.

Slipping off to her room a few hours later, Marinette reached into her bag rummaging around in it to find her phone.

"Are you excited, Marinette?" squeaked Tikki slipping out her purse holding the phone.

"Yes, we're going to Gotham" she said taking a seat at her desk, "you want to tell Damian don't you?" the kwami said with a grin.

"Maybe" she responded,

"Ask him, he'll probably want to meet you too," she said, pushing the phone into her palm.

"Your right" she stated, reaching his contact and pressing the call button a few rings passed before he answered, "hell-" he began before her patience ran thin.

"Guess what!" Marinette practically squealed into the phone,

"Hello to you to Marinette, I'm great thanks" Damian spoke, used to her eccentric outbursts when she was either excited or had random ideas she wanted to create.

"Yes, yes guess what?" she asked again the grin never leaving her face, "what" he replied curious as to her sudden burst of happiness.

"I'm coming to Gotham!" she stated.

Damian paused, replaying the words in his head again, she was coming to Gotham.

"When?" he breathed out, he could finally meet her in person.

He had wanted to ask for a while; they had grown close quite quickly. Though taking a jet to France would seem quite suspicious to his brothers and they were already hounding him enough.

"In like two days, isn't it exciting?" She smiled and Tikki was happily observing her guardian. She had a slight feeling that this was a much bigger accident than Gina had let on almost though it was planned.

The accidental phone number, the trip though she could be overthinking it but with the way her life changed so quickly since meeting him, Tikki was quite ready to see if he lived up to his reputation in person.

"Quite exciting, if...if you have time would you like to meet in person?" Damian spoke timidly compared to his usual confident self.

"Definitely, that's kinda why I called to see if you would want to meet and you know hangout"

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